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8 September 1998


It was nearly a week after the 'fiasco' in potions as Snape so kindly likes to put it as. By now, Harry and Draco had been fitted into some kind of routine. And also the others at the school too. Including Professors. There were some drastic changes that Draco and others noticed in Harry's little version.

Fortunately, Harry picked up Malfoy's grace and elegance. The way to walk, talk and behave. Not the sneer and the attitude though. That's the same as chirpy little Harry. Snape prays every day that it stays the same when Harry grows back to normal.

The best thing happened this previous week, Remus Lupin joined as 'Defense Against Dark Arts' professor at Hogwarts as there was a vacancy. He was absolutely ecstatic at the end of the tale and meeting 'baby' Harry according to him.

The best change according to Professor Snape was, tiny Harry was better than adult Harry in potions! To his utmost pleasure, 'note the sarcasm' Harry totally loves to learn and brew simple potions with first and second years when he needs to babysit him while Draco is off to Care of Magical Creatures and Divination.

One thing that didn't change is Harry's dislike towards Professor Treylawney. Her prediction of Harry's death every year, annoyed Harry to no avail. And with the recent development Malfoy freaked out particularly when she started about the dark future of Harry. Resulting detention with Professor McGonagall.

And that was how it was decided that Divination and Care of Magical Creatures was not suitable for under age toddlers. Sometimes in herbology too.

Harry loves to spend time in the library surrounded by books and knowledge as well as Draco much to Hermoine's glee. As Draco and Hermoine are always neck to neck in competition for first rank. If Hermione is the 'Most intelligent witch of her era', Draco is the 'Most intelligent wizard of his era.'

And due to this, the relationship between Draco and Hermoine too developed to civil one much to Ron's annoyance. Draco informed Snape about Harry's mental and physical health.

Snape was surprisingly furious and 'almost' blamed Dumbledore for it. Dumbledore profusely apologized and conveyed his regret for his ignorance. So as a result Snape was acting as Harry's personal Healer.

He was under many nutritional and healing potion treatments. And also from time to time check ups from Madam Promfrey the medi-witch of Hogwarts. And about Lupin, he was just ready to 'blow those filthy muggles away' literally.

Snape was truly not complaining or stopping him. Dumbledore succeeded in stopping him after much effort. And today was one such afternoon, where Snape was brewing 'Dreamless Sleep' potion with second years while Draco attended Care of Magical Creatures. "Look Uncle Sev. Hwarry brewed it right. Didn't he? Now, what to do?" Harry asked gleefully.

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