Prolog IV

71 5 0


I have met many people,

I have met a coward,

I have met a promiscuous father,

I have met an egoist,

I have met a stingy person,

I have met an angry husband,

I have met a skeptic,

I have met a suicidal woman,

I have met a trickster,

I have met a traitor,

The coward was fearful as the world judged him,

The promiscuous father loved for the first time,

The egoist is scared of failure,

The stingy person has run out of money,

The angry husband loses his beloved,

The skeptic has been deceived too many times.

The suicidal woman lost her child,

The trickster stole from the rich to give to the elderly,

The traitor saved her country.

Cronus Vol I : Gods never dieOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora