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      A cold, damp wind swept in from the Potomac, carrying with it the briny scent of water and decaying algae, like a premonition of the disaster that was to come. On King Street, the streetlights cast a sickly yellow glow, unable to pierce the dense fog that had descended upon the city of Alexandria. The red-brick colonial houses, usually so welcoming with their lighted windows and Christmas decorations, now appeared sinister, like rotting teeth in a gaping maw. Christmas of 2020 promised to be different.

     Large, heavy snowflakes collided with the wet pavement, melting instantly and transforming the streets into a disgusting mire. On the narrow sidewalks, debris from the previous night's festivities lay scattered like entrails: empty beer cans, firework remnants, and colorful tinsel, all soaked by the pervasive dampness. The only sound that disturbed the oppressive silence was the metallic creak of an empty swing, swayed by the cold wind in a deserted park. It was an unnatural silence, a silence that foreshadowed something bad, a silence that crept into your bones and made you feel small and vulnerable.

    Even the air felt different, heavy, charged with static electricity, as if nature itself were holding its breath, waiting for the inevitable. Above the city, the sky was a leaden gray, a uniform gray, without a single drop of color, without any sign that the sun had ever existed. It was a bleak morning, a morning that seemed torn from a nightmare, a morning that would remain forever etched in the minds of those who would experience it.

    On one of the side streets, the windows of Mr. I's house were the only ones that still retained a trace of warm light. Inside, Mr. I, a man past his prime, with gray hair and a gentle gaze, sat motionless on the edge of the bed, listening to the alarming sound of the radio. The alarm, a succession of short beeps, repeated at regular intervals, seemed to pulse in rhythm with his heart, amplifying the tension that hung in the air. Beside him, Mrs. I, her eyes red from sleeplessness and a look of resignation on her face, held his hand tightly, as if she wanted to protect him from the unknown that was approaching.

    They waited. They waited with bated breath for the message that would change their lives forever, the message that would throw them into the chaos and darkness of a world without a sun. The announcer's deep voice, usually calm and confident, now trembled slightly, betraying the fear hidden beneath the mask of professionalism. "Attention, citizens! I repeat, attention, citizens! This is an emergency message from the United States Government. A few hours ago, an event of unprecedented magnitude took place.

   A cold shiver ran through the room, as if the announcer's words had opened a gate to a frozen and dark realm. Mr. I squeezed his wife's hand tighter, feeling his own body begin to tremble. "The details of this phenomenon are not yet known, but our specialists are working around the clock to find out more. Until then, please remain calm and follow the instructions of the authorities. Avoid unnecessary outings and make sure you have enough supplies for at least 72 hours. I repeat..."

   The message abruptly cut off, giving way to an ominous hum, like a lament of the universe left without its source of life. In Mr. I's eyes, terror could be seen, but also a spark of determination. He knew that the world as he knew it had ended. And he knew that from now on, his only mission was to protect his family and survive in a world plunged into darkness.

  The silence that followed was deafening, a void that swallowed any trace of hope and normalcy. Mr. and Mrs. I looked into each other's eyes, powerless in the face of the disaster that had just befallen the world. Their minds refused to accept reality, to process the words spoken by the announcer. The sun, the source of life, heat, and light, was gone. It was inconceivable, unimaginable.

Suddenly, the radio revived, crackling and hissing before settling on a clear frequency. A solemn fanfare announced a presidential address. The president's voice, usually energetic and full of optimism, now sounded tired and grave.

The president's voice cracked, the emotion behind his words reverberating through the radio speaker, filling the room with a heavy weight. "The world will never be the same... I'm sorry... But someone had to tell you this." A heavy sigh was heard, followed by a long, agonizing pause. Mr. and Mrs. I squeezed each other's hands even tighter, their intertwined fingers forming a fragile fortress against the fear that had gripped them.

"I wish I could offer you at least some confidence in yourselves with my words... But... I'm afraid! I tell you honestly. I would be lying if I said I wasn't afraid. I'm afraid for my life, for the lives of my loved ones. I feel powerless in the face of this horror." The president's voice filled with barely controlled despair. "This is humanity's darkest day. Nothing will ever be the same! If we were blinded by power before, from now on we will fight only to survive. The fight will be hard, the enemy hides among us."

A cold shiver ran down Mr. I's spine. The enemy among us? Who? How? Questions swirled in his mind, amplifying the feeling of helplessness.

"We all want the same thing, to survive, to get home safely. But our enemy has nothing to lose, for him there is no home, family, love. These demons with human faces know no happiness. The fear you feel is normal! It is a sign that we will prevail. For us, fear is a superior state. The fear of death has made us indestructible. Even if we are unevolved as a species, we have something superior to these demons within us. A heart beats within us, we have the capacity to love, to forgive, to hope, to dream. For them, power is more important than happiness."

The president's voice strengthened, taking on a defiant tone. "Everything we have built is collapsing, everything we have loved will perish. But now, more than ever, we must find the strength to fight to the last drop of blood. We must fight with a peaceful heart, with love in our souls. The curse that has befallen us must be eradicated! As long as a pure and righteous heart beats, our soul will not perish."

Mr. I felt a spark of hope ignite in his chest. Yes, they had something these demons didn't: love, hope, humanity. And that was a weapon more powerful than anything else.

"Tonight we fought monsters and lost. But tomorrow is a new day, a new reason to fight. Don't give up, my brothers and sisters! Don't despair! We will save you! Do not submit to these soulless beings! You are souls! You love, forgive, hope, dream! We fight for the freedom to love again, freely! Not just one of us can be happy, we all must be happy! Within us lies eternal happiness. They hold only fear, we hold the power to create love."

The president paused dramatically, his voice now thundering with unexpected force. "In the name of Eternity, let us fight for freedom! Let us unite for a new era! For a new world! A world where souls receive love, not fear! Do you want to be enslaved by the demons who killed the gods? Now, here, let us fight to save eternity! Let us fight to free ourselves! Let us finish what we started a long time ago. My brothers and sisters, in the name of Eternity, let us unite!"

The president's words echoed in the small room, vibrating in the air long after the transmission ended. Mr. I rose to his feet, his eyes burning with a new determination. He was no longer just a frightened man, he was a warrior. A warrior of light, ready to fight for the future of his family, for the future of humanity.

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