PARTEA 1 Pălărierul Negru Capitolul 1

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Our story is about to begin with the dawn of December 25th, 2020, the day when the sun never rose again. Nothing would foretell the true reason why the sun didn't rise that morning, only the infernal silence that had settled over the town of Wattsville, which was already a first question mark for Mr. I.Mr. I, a respected man of the community, already past his prime, was to wake up this morning just like he did every day, at 7:00 a.m. Throughout this time, he looked at the one who stood by him through thick and thin with evident admiration.When the alarm clock rang loudly, the news program was about to start.A strong alarm began playing from the tiny radio. It was a sequence of alarms of the same intensity, followed by a 10-second pause for 16 seconds. While the alarm was going off, Mr. I remained motionless, without blinking or making any gesture.A short pause followed the five signals, during which Mr. and Mrs. I embraced each other. They were waiting for what was to come.The deep voice of a man was heard from the small clock."The world will never be the same..."I'm sorry... But I don't want to be the one to tell you this; someone has to!I would like to offer you some confidence through the words I'm about to say.I'm afraid! I tell you honestly. I would be doing nothing but lying if I said I'm not afraid. The truth is, I'm scared for my life, for the lives of those close to me. I feel helpless in the face of these horrors that have befallen us.This is the darkest day of humanity. Nothing will be the same anymore! If until now we have been blinded by power, now we have to fight just to survive one more day. The battle we are about to wage will be tough; the enemy is hiding among us.We all want the same thing, to survive, to make it home safely. Our enemy has nothing to lose; for them, there is no home, no family, no loved ones. These demons in human form do not know happiness.The fear you feel inside is normal! It is a sign that we will prevail. For us, fear is a superior state. The fear of death has made us indestructible, even though as a species, we are underdeveloped; we possess something far superior to the rest of these demons. Within us beats a heart, it is in our nature to love, forgive, make mistakes, learn, hope, dream. For them, possessing power is more important than offering happiness.There is room for everyone on this Earth. Fat, thin, white, black, tall, short; all these mean nothing as long as it is more important for you to love than to show that you want to be loved.Everything we have built is collapsing now; everything you once loved will perish forever.More than ever, we need to find the strength within ourselves to fight until the last drop of blood.More than the weapons we hold in our hands to defend ourselves, we must fight with a peaceful heart. The curse that has befallen us tonight must be crushed! As long as there is a pure and righteous heart beating, our souls cannot perish.For too long, our minds have been poisoned by empty words, wealth, or fame, forgetting the true reason for our existence here. Love! That is the most important reason. The path many of us have followed has been the wrong one, but now is the time to correct ourselves.Tonight, we fought against monsters, and unfortunately, we lost, but tomorrow is a new day, an additional reason to fight.To all those who fought tonight, I ask you not to give in to the enemy. Do not despair!We will come to rescue you. Enough with those who seek death. Do not submit to them... Beings with faces but without souls. You are not beasts! You are souls! We are a group! We love, forgive, hope, dream. Only those who cannot know happiness lack a soul. We fight for the freedom to love again. Not just one of us can be happy; we all must be happy. Eternal happiness resides within us. They possess only fear, while we possess the power to create love. In the name of eternity, let us fight for freedom. Let us unite for a new era. For a new world! One in which souls receive love, not fear!Do you want to be enslaved by the demons who killed the gods? Now, here, let us fight to save eternity. Let us fight to free ourselves! Let us finish what we started long ago. My brothers, in the name of Eternity, let us unite!

Cronus Vol I : Gods never dieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن