Sogaeting [WINNER/Jinwoo]

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Taehyun's last words replayed over and over at random times in Yannie's head the past month. The way he had been so rough, so raw in the way he broke up with her to get with another girl had left her unable to feel anything else than sadness for a couple of weeks.

It was getting worse by the minute, although the peak of her heartbreak had been during the first days. With the help of her best friend Jimin, she had found the strength to get over it, no matter how slow it had been; deleting all his texts and their pictures, throwing away any letters he had given her when he felt like being a good boyfriend, and trying to get her to focus on something else were all main points of what Jimin called a 'healthy mourning'.

Somehow, it had helped way more than she had expected it to, and with much persuasion from her friend she was now planning to go on a blind date. But she wasn't fully sure of how it would turn out, and Jimin knew it. "Come on, Yannie," she said, "you can't dwell on it forever; you'll move on sooner or later, and it better be sooner."

Knowing she was right, they organized a meeting with the secret guy that Jimin had chosen for her, and knowing her friend it could be really good or the complete opposite. Once the day arrived, she was dressed in her most beautiful dress and wearing her best makeup, feeling the most confident she had felt in weeks.

Despite her nerves, she managed to not show anything on the outside, and when her friend showed up in normal clothes her stomach turned. "Where are we meeting with them?" she asked, eager to find out the most about everything that she could despite the fact that Jimin had promised not to tell her anything, not even the name of her date.

"Them?" the other girl seemed confused at the question, and a small laugh quickly replaced her puzzled expression. "It's only going to be you and him; I'm only taking you to the middle point. You didn't really think that I was going to be there too, right?"

Yannie only nodded, but on the inside she was petrified at the fact that she'd have to be there by herself. It wasn't as if she hadn't done it before but it was always someone that she knew or that she had already seen before; it was the fear of the unknown, if anything.

As her friend parked the car, she realized that Jimin had planned the meeting to take place in one of the biggest restaurants she had ever seen. Realizing that she hadn't brought anything else than her phone and a little bit of money, she felt her hands beginning to sweat before Jimin put her own hand on her friend's shoulder, making her turn around. "Don't be scared; I have a feeling that you'll get along just fine. Go, and make sure to have fun!"

She took a deep breath and slowly opened the car door, half ready to face whatever was going to happen that day. The first thing she noticed about the place was that it wasn't as luxurious as it looked from the outside; although there were a few more couples there it seemed that it was aimed mainly for families, and most of those could be seen around.

Jimin had reserved a table on the far back, almost hidden from the rest of the restaurant, just like Yannie had always liked. As she sat, she looked around and took notice of all the weird things on the walls that included animal paintings and various wooden decorations.

It wasn't long until she saw someone approaching her table; for a moment, she thought she recognized the guy, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what seemed familiar. "Hello," he greeted when he reached her, "you're Yannie, right?"

She got up to quickly bow and say, "Yes, you must be my blind date then." He chuckled and sat on the chair in front of hers. He had short brown hair, big eyes, and, what kind of worried her the most, he looked way younger than her.

"I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name's Jinwoo, it's very nice to meet you at last." He seemed very nice and calm and, for some reason, she felt very relaxed in his presence. Maybe it's the eyes, she thought to herself, they're very pretty. "Did I make you wait for a long time?"

"No, don't worry;" she said with a smile, "it's only been about 10 minutes since I arrived." He chuckled and in her ears it sounded almost beautiful. Don't start, her thoughts echoed, you barely know the guy, but even though she knew her subconscious were right, she couldn't help but to think he was already way better than her ex.

They chatted for another while and she found out he was actually a few years older than her, which surprised her, and that they went to the same high school, which explained why she sort of remembered his face. Moments later, a waitress came and gave them both the menus; looking through all the dishes, she saw a few that sounded great but she didn't want to waste the little money she had.

Just as if he read her mind, he quickly said, "Order whatever you want, I'm paying today." Smiling, she decided that she wouldn't give him a hard time; she picked some jjigae, which was good and still affordable, and Jinwoo ordered a bit of dangmyeon. "It's nice to be able to go out for a meal with someone else. I haven't been able to do this for a while, especially with such a cute girl."

"Well, thanks," she said while feeling her cheeks burning, "I haven't done this in a while either. But let's not talk about that, okay? Just... tell me about you." She was genuinely curious to know more about him, but she tried to not seem more eager than she actually was.

As the waitress from before left different side dishes on their table, he told her about his family, which was living outside of the city and he hadn't been able to see them in a long while, about his liking of dramas, and about his affection for music. He talked about it with something like passion, which made her like him a lot more.

Once their main meals arrived, they focused on eating, enjoying the food. He offered her some noodles, and she offered him some of her own stew back. Yannie was having a really good time, despite her initial nerves.

The feeling of comfort was there through the whole date, and when they finished it was almost as if she didn't want to leave yet. Trying her best to drag it for as long as she could, she fiddled a little bit with her dessert as she talked about her dog and how it had gone through a bad sickness lately but it was better now.

Jinwoo listened to her carefully, not daring to interrupt her. She couldn't tell if he knew what she was doing or if he was truly interested in what she was saying, but she hoped it could be the latter.

She was nearly done with her food when he called the waitress to pay for everything. She felt disappointed but knew that there would be no sense in staying there any longer. That's why surprise appeared in her mind when he softly led her towards the doors after everything was done, wondering what else he could have planned.

"I really hope you have time today," he said as they exited the place, "I would really like to take you somewhere else." Her disappointment quickly turned into happiness as she felt her cheeks reddening again.

It didn't really matter to her where he took her to; she was beyond happy with the results of everything that day. "I'd love to go with you," she admitted. She had a growing feeling that he would be the one who would make her forget about the bad things that had happened before, and as he shyly reached out to grab her hand she knew that her gut was definitely right this time.


Here's another request, this one featuring the fake maknae Jinwoo from WINNER! Personally, I love this guy a lot, so I was really happy to get a chance to write a oneshot featuring him. It may not be one of my best works, I admit it's not very fluffy, but I am trying to do my best despite my schedules being crazy right now. I am working on the fics' chapters too, so at some point this week I'll be updating at least one of those. Anyways, I hope you guys liked this and thank you for 15.4k+ reads! ♥

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