A Boy With Glasses [ToppDogg/Hojoon]

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"And 1, 2, 3, 4..." Xero instructed the group as they started practicing the Say It choreography for the twentieth time that Tuesday night. They had a solo concert right around the corner, and they had been perfecting and polishing every aspect of their performance since they knew about it.

Sitting in one of the practice room's corners was Kelly, one of the few female trainees in Stardom Entertainment. Since she entered the company two years ago, she found herself a little bit suffocated by her new lifestyle, but it soon changed once she met ToppDogg. Every single one of the guys had treated her with the most utmost respect, and even after a year and a half along with their debut they remained great friends.

At least, with most of them; there was one person she wished she could get to know more. 22 year-old Jeon Hojoon wasn't someone she would look at twice at first. It took a long time for her to realize his potential, but when she finally did she was regretful she didn't see a lot of things before. Their relationship was weird, though; she could talk about the silliest of things with everyone else, but whenever she tried to speak with him all words seemed to leave her mind, leading to a really awkward moment every time, even before she started developing feelings for him. It was annoying, and she knew it, but there didn't seem to be much she could do about it.

"Noona, are you daydreaming again?" Kelly was cut off her trail of thought by a sweaty Hansol snapping his fingers in front of her face, making her look up to him in shock. "I wonder who you were thinking off; it's the third time today. Do you want to tell us something?"He playfully teased, making her laugh.

"Leave her alone, hyung," A-Tom said from the other side of the room while taking a water bottle from his bag, "I'm sure that she's just sleepy." He was one of the first members to approach her along with Hansol and Xero, instantly becoming some of her most beloved sunbaes. They were the ones she spent most of her time with, and she considered them her best friends in the whole company. "So, Hojoon hyung, I heard there were some more... couples of yours around, right?" he continued, making the whole group laugh at Hojoon's embarrassment.

"Yeah, I guess. I don't know why the fans keep doing it, though" his face was slightly red and he kept looking at the floor. Kelly could do nothing but hear about something she had been seeing in her SNS for a few weeks now. She remembered how oddly jealous and sad she had felt, all because of a few photoshopped images. It wasn't pleasant to be there during those kinds of talks, but somehow she always ended up in the middle.

"Hyung, if I was in your place, I'd tell them to keep doing it!" Nakta exclaimed, seemingly excited. "I mean, they paired you with Sulli; that has to be amazing! Kell noona, who would you want to be paired with?" he asked towards the girl, using the nickname he had given her when they became close.

Hojoon, of course, her mind replied. But instead of letting her true thoughts show, she acted as if she was thinking for a moment and quickly replied, "Taemin sunbaenim. He's a great performer, and I just find him so amazing."

"Guys, it's time to head back to the dorms," leader P-Goon announced, cutting the chat just as Nakta was about to reply, "make sure you have all your stuff; if you forget something, no one's going to come back to get it."

"Don't worry," Kelly said while getting up and dusting her clothes, "I'll be here for another while so if you leave something I'll get it for you guys." Everyone nodded and, as she held the door open for them to go, Hansol stopped in front of her and checked her out for a second. "Is everything okay?"

"Why is there a tear in your face?" instantly, he brought his left hand to her cheek, carefully removing the small tear; she didn't even notice that little drop of water. "Have you been crying, noona? Maybe that's why you seem tired. Are you okay?"

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