It Was Fate [ROMEO/Hyun Kyung]

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You should open your heart to someone who wants to get in. Don't think of them as strangers; see them as acquaintances ready to be something more. You'll meet someone new soon. You'll want to get closer, and fate will try to bring you together. Don't fight it and you'll have great opportunities.

"That's what she told you?"

"More or less, yes."

Taeyoung remembered the face of the fortune teller with a smile; an old, wrinkled woman who was blind from one eye, but that had a voice that made her feel as if everything she told her was a reality and not just pointless chatter.

"It's just probably things she said to get your money," her brother Hyungsoo said from the other side of the phone, sounding as if he were trying to muffle a laugh. "Did you really believe what she said?"

If there was one thing her brother was really good at, it was at making her doubt some of her life choices; his mocking tone was all she needed. "It doesn't matter what I believed about it or what I didn't," she finally replied, "I was just telling you what she said to me. But I'll let you know if I find my soulmate today or not."

Hyungsoo only laughed at her and wished her good luck with everything before he hung up. Sighing, she made her way back home, the warm breeze of the late afternoon making her sweat a little bit. Much to her surprise, the city was quiet for a Sunday even though people were all around her, but it didn't bother her all that much; if anything, she started to wish that it could be like that every day.

A few minutes later she arrived at her apartment building, and as she was about to enter into her own something, or rather someone caught her attention. Sitting on the other end of the hallway, a brown short-haired guy was lying against the wall apparently asleep; his face had a frown that seemed involuntary, but despite this he didn't seem angry at all. Taeyoung was about to call security when she recognized him to be her new neighbour, who had just moved into the other apartment on that floor earlier that week.

She hesitated about whether she should talk to him or not while she grabbed her keys from her bag, but the sound of the metal made him open his eyes, and when he looked at her his frown suddenly turned into a smile. "Um, hey," he muttered awkwardly as he stood up, his voice soft and still slightly sleepy. "I'm Hyunjong, I'm your new neighbour; you must be Taeyoung-ssi, from the apartment next door. It's really nice to meet you."

He reached out, offering her his hand as a means of saying hello; without thinking twice, she grabbed it and shook it firmly, giving him a warm a smile. "Oh, yes, I remember now. It's nice to meet you too. Did you have any problems with the apartment just now? Have you been waiting out there for long?"

"No, just about half an hour or so; the floor isn't that bad when you get used to it."

She laughed at his joke before noticing the worried look on his face below the smile. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Seemingly thinking for a moment, he looked down before staring at her again, biting his lips as his cheeks turned a slight shade of red. "If it's okay with you, can I stay for a moment in your apartment?" he seemed truly embarrassed to even be asking that to her, and somehow she thought it made him look sort of cute. "I actually forgot my keys inside and until the landlord arrives it'll be a while, he has a spare key just for this another week until I can change the l-"

"Don't worry," she cut him off. "There's no problem with you staying over; I wouldn't want to be a bad neighbour now, would I?"

An uncomfortable laugh started between them but it was over as soon as it began. With a cough, she suddenly remembered the fact that they had to enter the house, and quickly moved away to open the door as she felt her cheeks go red as well and his eyes fixed on the back of her head.

"Wow, you have a really nice place," he said as soon as he entered after her, "I think it's slightly bigger than mine and everything."

"It could be, it's often like that here, and that's saying something for a small building." Quickly entering the kitchen, she grabbed a few glasses from the counter and filled them with orange juice. When she returned to the living room, Hyunjong was sitting on her couch, hands above his knees and his eyes nervously going from wall to wall. "Here," she said as she reached his side and handed him his glass, "this will hopefully help your nerves."

As he thanked her and grabbed it, their hands slightly touched, the coldness of his skin sending shivers down her spine and making her look away as soon as the glass was already on his hands. Sitting next to him, she waited a few minutes until he downed his drink to ask him a few questions about himself, like where he lived before, if he had any family nearby, and other trivial stuff; Taeyoung was surprised to find out he was only 22, two years older than her, and for some reason, a slight tingle of happiness made her heart jump when he told her he was single, and he seemed to notice as he moved closer to her ever so slightly.

They chatted for another hour until his phone buzzed in his pocket. When he checked it, he let out a long sigh and buried his face in his hands. "Is everything alright?" she asked, a little bit worried about him.

"Well, it depends," he replied. "The landlord just let me know that he won't be able to arrive until tomorrow morning." Fate will try to bring you together. The words appeared in her mind but she quickly ignored them, not wanting to think that about someone she just met.

She thought about it for a long minute and then spoke carefully. "I... I guess I can offer you to stay for the night; after all, I do have the couch ready to be prepared at any moment, and it'll be no bother at all."

"No, it's no problem," Hyunjong said, as he got up and fixed his messy hair the best he could. "I don't think you'd like having a stranger stay in your house either."

"Come on," she said, getting up after him with a warm smile. "We're not really strangers anymore, are we? Besides, I'd like for you to stay, maybe I could... prepare a nice dinner; I'll assume you don't have much next door anyways." He half smiled and muttered a small 'okay' after a moment, and she wasn't sure why her stomach felt as a knot when he looked at her that way. Don't fight it; once again the words came back, and this time she listened. Reaching out, she grabbed his hand and made him sit back down.

With a chuckle, he crossed his legs as Taeyoung went to the kitchen and checked her fridge to see what would be there. She came back after a minute and said, "I have some meat that I bought yesterday, would that be okay?"

"Sure; I'm certain that if you do it, whatever you do will be delicious," he said before he realized what words had come out of his mouth. Blushing mad, he turned around, and she couldn't help but bite her lip to refrain herself from smiling again as the sentences repeated itself in her mind; that would be one fun night for her.


Well, here's a oneshot I had been working on before the hiatus but never actually got to finish, so now I've finally done it! It's definitely rushed at the end, but I actually finished it under bad circumstances. I also wanted this to go along with ROMEO's comeback, which was yesterday or the day before if I remember correctly, and I hope you can all give them your support, they totally deserve more attention in my opinion! But yeah, anyway, I hope you guys liked it and thank you so much for 37.7k+ reads! ♥ 

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