Live Only Forward [HISTORY/Kyungil]

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The atmosphere in the kitchen that night was uncomfortable, even more so than what Yongsun had imagined. Sitting in front of each other, she and her boyfriend, Kyungil, stared at each other while slowly eating dinner; there were a million things she wanted to tell him, so much she wanted to say, but the words simply didn't come out.


"Jagi, I need to go out today," he had said as soon as she woke up and got the kitchen. It seemed as if she gave him a confused look because he quickly clarified with a laugh, "I have to meet with an old friend that's back in town."

Approaching him, she sat on his lap and hugged him before asking with a tired voice, "Oh, really? Can I tag along?"

His arms wrapped around her waist, he pulled back from her grip as he said, "I'd love to take you, jagi, but that'd be really awkward for you, I know it."

"What, is it a girl you're meeting with?" she asked in a joking tone, but when she didn't get an answer she looked at him, her smile disappearing slowly. "So, you're telling me you're meeting with a girl, you don't want to take me, and say it'll be weird. What is she, your ex or something?" Kyungil looked away, biting his lower lip ever so slightly, and then she realized she had found the right explanation.

Yongsun sighed and started to walk away, when he grabbed her wrist and got up after her, but she refused to turn around to look at him. "She's not exactly my ex but can you understand me at least? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable," he tried to justify, but she wanted to hear none of it. Freeing herself from his grasp, she walked back to their bedroom, closing the door behind her.


He had opened his mouth about five times to talk but said nothing, instead choosing to concentrate on his food. "I-it's good, jagi," he muttered, but she only hummed in response. After a while longer, he sighed heavily and finally spoke. "Are we going to be like this all night? Do I deserve it?"

Looking up, she coldly asked, "How was it?"

"Well, that's better than nothing," Kyungil said. "Before you think something else, her name's Jiyoung, we used to be friends since childhood because of our mothers. We used to be really close, she was always there for me; she protected me a lot, and I was always grateful for that.

At least she did, until she had to go away because her parents kicked her out. We lost contact until yesterday that she messaged me and it was a great surprise for me; we met at a café, and we just chatted about things. I felt really happy to see her again after so many years of being away." While he spoke, she only looked at him without saying a word. "Jagi, is everything alright?"

"You were in love with her, weren't you?"

Yongsun's question caught him off guard; she could tell by the way his eyes opened wide. "I..." he started, "I did think I was in love with her for a while. It was like that until she left. That... broke me for a while, it wasn't easy." It isn't easy for me either, she thought. "I thought I would never see her again, and I tried to stay away from love for as long as I could, waiting for her, but she never returned. Pathetic, isn't it? I had given up on love and then you showed up, years later, and you changed my world upside down once more."

"Yeah, but this isn't about me," she retorted, and she could see he was hurt by that. "Did you..." the words got tangled in her throat, and they threatened to come out along with a few tears that were caused by the sole thought of what he could say. "Did you feel anything when you saw her again?"

"Surprise and happiness, I told you."

"And nothing else?"

He thought for a moment while looking at her, and he asked, "Do you think I still have feelings for her?" She looked down and didn't answer, not even wanting to hear what he would reply to that but at the same time not wanting to show any kind of weakness. "You do, don't you? Do you not trust my feelings for you?"

A single tear rolled down her cheek as she looked up, feeling a hole where her stomach was. "The way you talk about her... it's as if you were happier with her. As if she was your whole past instead of a single part of it. And why didn't you tell me about her before?"

"I didn't find it necessary," Kyungil replied calmly but sternly. "I thought I'd never have to see her again."

"Were you still in love with her when you started dating me?" he didn't answer right away; instead, he got up and walked towards her, kneeling down next to her chair. "Please, tell me honestly, did you still love her?"

With a smile and a look of regret, he looked up at her and said, "I got over her after two months of dating you. Don't think any less of me because of that; you seemed like a really nice person, someone very cute, and if I wasn't able to get over her, I would've left a long time ago." Yongsun started crying harder than before, and he grabbed her hand, but she didn't have the will to pull it back. "I love you, you're the reason why I'm here, and the reason why I'll always stay by your side is that I love only you."

Between her sobbing, she managed to ask the most important question for her. "How exactly d-did she make you feel?"

"She was someone that, when named, could make me smile without even being next to me," he replied without hesitation, and the thought of leaving crossed her mind for a moment, but he added, "but do you want to know what you make me feel?" looking at him with doubt but not wanting to stay in the dark, she nodded slightly. "You... you make me feel protected. You make me feel like there's nothing wrong with the world when we're together, and you gave me a reason to keep going on. It was because of you that I was able to experience what love is, and I wouldn't leave your side, even if my whole past comes back to haunt me. I'm willing to leave everything behind because you're my present and my future.

"I'll never even dream of leaving you behind, because I know I've found my place in this life, and it's next to you only. I. Love. You. And there can be a million reasons why I should leave, but I'll still have one to stay, and I'll stand by that one. I gave you my heart, something I wouldn't have done for anyone else, and I don't want it back." Her sobbing had stopped for a moment, but it resumed when he got up, making her stand up as well and hugging her as tight as he could. "Are you scared I might leave? If you are, don't be; I'm only yours forever, and that I can swear."

Feeling his warmth next to her again made Yongsun feel reassured of everything; she wrapped her arms around his neck and looked straight into his eyes, a kind smile forming on his lips. "I love you too," she managed to say. "I'll be willing to fight for you if I ever needed to."

"I'm here to stay, jagi."

And with that, they stood there, just holding each other for what seemed like an eternity. Once she had calmed down, she pulled away, and with the gentlest voice she could make, she said, "Can I ask you for something?" and when he nodded, she added, "I don't want you to see her on your own again for a while, and I want to know if she appears when I'm not there."

"Would that make you feel safer?" Kyungil suggested, and with a grin she muttered a small 'yes'. "Okay, Yongsunnie, I'll do it. After all, if you're happy, that's all that matters."


Well, I finally got around to do something about HISTORY! They're such a good group but they're so unbelievable underrated ;; if you guys want to you can check them out, I'm sure you'll like them. Next up I'll be uploading a few requests, remember they're open until June 1st! I hope you guys liked it and thank you so much for 52.3k+ reads! ♥

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