7 Minutes in Heaven [ToppDogg]

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Laughs were heard from the inside of the apartment door that Saturday. It was half past 10 p.m., and music was playing in the background while a group of friends consisting of Hojoon, Hansol, Byungjoo, Arisa, and the twin sisters Soohyun and Sooyoung had a sleepover. The place, belonging to Hojoon, was filled with music and food for the group to share until the next day.

They had been friends since high school, and decided to celebrate Arisa's 21st birthday at Hojoon's house because he had told them that his parents would be away for the weekend. It had been a long time since they had celebrated something together; university was eating up all of their time, and they were more than happy about the fact that they were together again, even if Hansol, Arisa, and Byungjoo shared the same class once again.

"Well, here are the drinks" Soohyun said, coming back from the kitchen to the living room with her arms holding a few cans of beer. "You better drink it slowly, so you won't get drunk that fast" she said between laughs. She was considered as the mood maker of the group, and every time she was there, the atmosphere lit up. She sat beside her sister and started opening the first can.

"You can bet that no one's going to get drunk tonight" Hojoon said, almost as a warning. "If you get drunk, you'll be sleeping outside, just saying."

"Hyung, do you think we're like that?" Hansol asked, getting up to get one of the cans from the coffee table and sitting back down beside Arisa. They were best friends, and it had been that way since they had met. But things changed, just like them both; unknowingly, they had developed feelings beyond friendship for each other, but neither of them could voice their thoughts in fear of rejection.

"I have an idea!" Soohyun suddenly said with a big smile on her face; her sister had whispered something to her, and she seemed pleased by whatever she had told her. "Let's play something. After all, we're all just sitting here, doing nothing."

"Well, I have Monopoly..." Hojoon started saying, but was almost instantly cut off by Sooyoung's loud voice.

"Not that kind of game, oppa," she said while blushing, "we were thinking about something more... mature." When she saw the puzzled faces around her, she continued, "Something like 7 Minutes in Heaven." All of a sudden, a louder laughter came from everyone but the twins. They were mad at their friends for laughing, but knew it wouldn't be such a great idea.

"Okay," Byungjoo said, "I actually like the idea." Byungjoo was Hansol's best guy friend, and he knew about his crush on Sooyoung. This would be an amazing opportunity for him, if he was lucky enough to have the bottle fall on her.

Happy as could be, Soohyun got up and ran to the kitchen, coming back seconds later with one of the almost empty plastic bottles that were in the fridge. Setting it on the table, she motioned for everyone to come closer. She ended up sitting with Arisa in between her sister and her, and as soon as everyone had gathered around the bottle, she quickly explained the rules to them, even if they already knew how the game was. They decided that the couple would spend the 7 minutes in Hojoon's room.

"Okay, so, here it goes" Byungjoo said, putting his hand on top of the bottle and quickly moving it, making it spin. It came to a halt moments later, falling in Hojoon, and the second time it chose Sooyoung. No sound came out of anyone as they slowly made their way to the bedroom, but as soon as the door closed Hansol turned to his best friend.

"It seemed like he won this time," he whispered in his ear, "don't be jealous." Byungjoo only laughed, but he actually seemed worried. Hansol then looked at Arisa, and saw her playing with her fingers as if she was nervous. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Huh?" She answered, before offering him a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry. This is just not my kind of game."

"I'll make sure that the next time it's you and me, so it won't be uncomfortable" he assured her, but he knew that, if it happened, it would be for his selfish desire of spending a moment alone with her. She just smiled again, and then turned her attention to a spot on the roof. Moments later, Hojoon and Sooyoung came back, Byungjoo feeling angry at how happy they looked.

"So, what happened?" He started asking, but none of them replied; they just looked at each other, and high-fived as if sharing a secret or an inside joke. Before they knew it, she had made the bottle spin for the second round, and when it fell on Byungjoo, he started hoping that it would fall on Sooyoung again.

But fate wasn't on his side: when the bottle stopped, it was pointing towards Arisa. She felt her face falling, and looked at Hansol as if asking for help. He looked... angry? She couldn't tell what his face was showing, but before she knew it Byungjoo had grabbed her hand and started walking towards the bedroom. After they closed the door, she looked around for a moment and noticed that the room was big; it was painted blue and had a nice, king sized bed next to a small desk with books on top.

"So, here we are" she said, uncomfortably sitting next to him on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah," he replied shyly, looking at any point in the room instead of her eyes, "here we are. Isn't it great, noona?" he enquired at the air, and she didn't reply; when he finally brought his sight back to her, he saw a confused look on her face. "I mean... I know I'm not the one you'd rather be with right now, and I don't know about you but this is sort of awkward for me right now." He was relieved that he didn't have any actual romantic feelings for Arisa; the situation was already bad and that would only make it worse.

"How do you know I'd rather be with someone else?" Even though she did feel a little disappointed, she was glad that she wasn't the only one feeling like that. "For all you know, I could just be shy."

"It isn't hard to see, you know? Your crush is pretty obvious, you stare at him sometimes in class and it shows; you seem so happy afterwards that I think you could explode" he explained, and she looked down, smiling and blushing lightly. She was scared about how much he knew about her crush. "But don't worry; I won't be the one to tell. Your secret is safe with me."

"Thank you, Byungjoo" she said, offering him a kind smile and a hug. "I'm happy you're my friend. By the way, how much time do we have left?"

"Um... like four minutes. What do you want to do now?"

They spent the remainder time just looking through Hojoon's books; he had everything, but it seemed like he never actually read anything. When the time was up, they returned to their positions, the rest of the people just looking at them. When Arisa sat, she felt Hansol's hand snake around her shoulders, and his mouth come closer to her ear.

"Next time," he said, his breath tickling her skin, "you're going in there with me, no objections."


Well, I decided to write a ToppDogg imagine because these kids are so goddamn cute and at the same time so... not cute. I hate them -not really-. I've put Peekaboo in the media as it's becoming my favourite song from them, and I can't get enough of it. So yeah, hope you liked it and thanks for reading! ♥

K-pop Oneshots I [Requests Closed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora