Chapter V- Old Grudges

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Sir Andrew Tathagar is a tall man with the dark skin common to the noble families of the First, Second, and Third Houses. He is quick to smile and sharp like the sword on his hip. His short, curly hair and watchful eyes are the color of a light coffee. He wears a leather jerkin of burgundy and well-kept, well-worn boots.

He looks for clues of the missing farmer's passing. The locals sought help after misfortune befell their livestock. A full half of their herd were missing, a near equal amount had been slaughtered. A group of able-bodied individuals struck out to find the culprits and had yet to return.

Sir Andrew felt it his duty to see to the matter personally.

"Young Lord, I've found something!"

Sir Andrew splashes through ankle-deep swamp water as he rushes towards the caller. Around him, others of his hunting party converge. He pushes through a patch of tall swamp grass and skids to a halt, face to face with a massive hound. Its shaggy fur is blonde, its fangs are long and yellow, its claws an inch long. A bog stalker.

"Down," orders the Huntsmaster of Lord Tathagar, the man known as The Red Wolf.

The big hound sits, but snarls as Sir Andrew attempts to move past.

"Enough!" The Red Wolf shouts, and the beast lowers her head.

Sir Andrew joins The Wolf and Sir Rondom Nuamah over a pair of bodies. The former is pale with a bushy red beard. The latter is darker than Sir Andrew with large heavy-lidded eyes and a shaved head. The remains before them are mangled, the result of predation. The swamps of Nevergreen are full of large aggressive lizards, fond of man-flesh. Sir Andrew only sees ruined meat and torn garb. Sir Nuamah admits the same as he observes from a safe distance. His disgust is obvious.

The Red Wolf kneels in the brackish swamp water and prods the bodies with a hunting knife.

"These two weren't killed by bog monitors."

"How can you tell?" Sir Rondom asks, covering his nose.

"These." The Red Wolf turns the larger corpse on it's side, revealing a dozen thin but deep cuts along the unbitten length of the body. "These are blade marks."

"Goblins." Sir Andrew instantly recognizes the signs.

Rondom comes closer and the Red Wolf adjusts the body to give him a better view.

"What are goblins doing this far west of the river?" Rondom turns to Sir Andrew. "It explains all of the reports, but..."

"But when my Lord Father inquired, he was told there hasn't been any unexpected goblin activity in High Mountain." Sir Andrew swears under his breath. "Of course it was all lies. What else should be expected from Lord Stafford's people. There isn't an honorable man among them."

The others agree.

"I must tell my Lord Father."

Distant barking makes the large bog stalker jump to her feet.

"Stay!" The Red Wolf commands.

"Sirs!" A squire shouts from the road. "The hounds have found something!"

Sir Andrew gives his companions a mischievous smirk. "I think my Lord Father would appreciate this news with a bit of evidence."

Rondom is reluctant, but nods. The Wolf, on the other hand, is always eager for a hunt.

The three hurry to the road, bog stalker in tow. The waiting squire hands the knights their reins before mounting his own horse. The northern mounts didn't do well in the swamps of Dead Marsh, but were more than adequate on the cobblestone roads winding through them. The trio follow the squire as he gallops east.

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