Chapter XXVII- Choices II

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Sir Andrew Tathagar signals for a stop and Rondom calls out, bringing their two dozen horsemen to a halt. Sir Andrew dismounts eagerly. He sees a spark of hope in the form of a young couple and their noble bred horse. The Wolf and Sir Nuamah give orders for the guard to spread out, but Andrew barely hears them. His thoughts race, all isn't lost and his hand won't be forced.

The young man steps in front of his companion, both dark cheeked with romantic heat. Andrew slaps a smile on his face and extends his hand.

"Young Wizard!" he says, maybe a bit too loudly. "The gods must favor me that I find you in this fateful hour."

They shake hands, though the young man is clearly caught off guard. Nearly as an afterthought the young couple hastily bow at the waist. Andrew also bows low as if greeting an equal.

"Ummm, Sir... Tathagar! Sir Tathagar. What a surprise."

"As it is for me, Master Hans. I have spent the better part of the day calling at our Lord Count's doorstep. To my disappointment, I was informed that Count Methuen has departed to places unknown."

Hans's face has a subtle twitch, but Andrew has spent years honing his ability to read his opponents.

"When I suggested to Madam Dayne that I might speak to you in The Count's stead, she said you too had ridden off to parts unknown. I was totally prepared to head home with my mission a failure."

One of his outriders gallops past them, causing the young mage's companion to startle. He takes her hand to steady her. Andrew chastises himself. His soldiers, bristling with weapons, keep the young couple on edge. It's the last thing he wants.

"Madame, I hope you'll forgive my forgotten manners." Andrew gives her a sweeping bow. "I remember you dancing at Castle Black Roost, graceful and energetic, but I am ashamed to admit your name escapes me."

"Leesa Talbert," the couple say in unison.

"I apologize, Ms. Talbert. For my mental slip and for my men. I can see they make you uncomfortable, but I assure you they mean you no harm."

"They mean harm to someone," she counters, watching the meandering horsemen.

She isn't wrong.

"This," Andrew gestures towards his soldiers, "is part of a necessary precaution. My life has been threatened many times in the last few months. I travel with a small contingent of trusted men and women so that my Lord Father can rest easy."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Ms. Talbert says. "I pray to Trayvon for your safety. No one should have to live that way."

Andrew reads no guile or double meaning in her words, something rare and uncommon among his noble born peers.

"Thank you. I appreciate your concern and my cause can use all the prayer it can get." Andrew turns to Hans. "This is precisely why I needed to see Lord Methuen. I can only hope that you can help me with wise counsel."

"If no one at the castle could help you, I don't think I'm qualified to speak on such things, m'lord."

"Ah, you're cautious. A sign of a good mind." Andrew notices the young woman agreeing with him, also a good sign. "I did convince Madam Dayne to summon Sir Carlos Cruz, but he-"

"Captain Carlos is a knight?" Hans asks in surprise.

"Oh not just a knighted Sword, but nobleborn... or he was before I had been sired. A bloody business it was that cost him his title and birthright."

The boy is intrigued. Curiosity can often make a man reckless.

"When you return to Castle Black Roost, I'm sure you can ask Mistress Wellington. She is undoubtedly as knowledgeable as she is beautiful." Andrew pushes thought of her aside and forges ahead. "I was saying..."

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