Chapter VII- Vested Interest

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Leesa busies herself preparing tea for Father's guests. The excitement of three days ago has worn off. Now is the time for work. The Talberts had spent the majority of the last few days packing up inventory and personal effects. More than twenty years of accumulated stuff; counted, sorted, and packed away. Whatever they weren't taking they would leave for Uncles Barnabas and Will to handle. The advance from Count Methuen will cover the delinquent loans and the property will go to Uncle Will.

When the visitors arrived to speak to Father, Maribelle and Jessica used the opportunity to take a much needed break and visit with friends. Leesa volunteered to stay and help. She'd recognized the woman and two men sitting in the kitchen, each of them heads of the Merchant's Guild .

"Tea is ready," she says as she walks her tray over to the table.

Balancing it on her hip, she puts out a platter of hard cheese and biscuits at the center of the table and places beside it an ornate tea kettle. She'd let the tea leaves steep two minutes before fishing them out and putting them aside for Jesse who liked to save them to mix into her fertilizer.

Smiling at the woman seated between her two companions, Leesa makes a slight curtsy. "Can I pour you a cup, Madame?"

"What a lovely young woman you have here, Talbert," the woman comments to Father. To Leesa, she nods and slides her tea cup a few inches to her right. "Please."

The young man beside her accepts a cup as well, but their gruff companion refuses. Leesa fills Father's tea cup and excuses herself.

"Talbert," the woman says as Leesa hangs up her apron. "This one doesn't fit the description of your oldest and doesn't have the haughty air of your Maribelle. Can I assume this is the one who handles your commerce?"

"Yes, Lady Octavia," Father responds. "This is my youngest daughter, Leesa."

"Leesa," the woman calls. "Please stay. This concerns your family's business."

Leesa looks at Father, eager to be included, but not wanting to overstep. He ponders for a moment then nods his approval. With a respectful bow to the lady, Leesa grabs a stool and sits to the side.

"Barnabas Blinker thought it imperative that we meet with you this morning, Talbert," the older man says. His features are pinched, his expression dour. A small crown of receding grey hair sits atop his head. His posture is bent, but he carries himself with the dignity of a nobleman. Of the three, he is the only one Leesa knows by name. Hawk Brown, Lark's father and the wealthiest merchant in Levian.

"It is highly unorthodox for a guild tribunal to convene outside the security of a guildhall," added the woman.

Like Leesa, she is slim but with olive-colored skin and cold eyes. The men address her as Lady Octavia. Leesa realizes she is The Lady Octavia. Lady Tiffany Octavia, owner of a fleet of trading vessels operating out of Ravensport and Hang Du. Though her title is attached to no land to speak of, many call her Duchess of the Straits.

"I assume you intend to make this worth our while," she says with a raised eyebrow. She sips her tea. "Very good, young lady."

"Pardon my ignorance, Councilors, but I can't, for the life of me, fathom why Barnabas would request a tribunal on my behalf."

Father chooses his words carefully. He's nervous and it frightens Leesa. The bank owns much of the family's debt, but the lion's share belongs to the guild. The people sitting at their table could ruin Father in an instant.

"Are you testifying that Blinker lied to manipulate the guild?" Hawk's voice holds a surprising eagerness.

"Of course he lied," Lady Octavia coolly says. "It's Barnabas after all."

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