Chapter fifteen

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It takes a few more days after Pope's parents visit for JJ to be allowed to leave the hospital. The nights feeling long and almost never ending, pain filled to the point JJ could hardly fall asleep for more than an hour. It rained almost everyday that he was cooped up in his hospital bed, never allowed to leave it, not even to go to the bathroom.

It was embarrassing for JJ, having a nurse come in to empty his bedpan whilst he just laid there, unable to move nor help. It was even worse when any of his friends arrived just in time to watch it happen. No judgement was made, but JJ couldn't shake away the embarrassment.

Pope came every morning before school and stayed well over a few hours afterward, holding JJ's hand, retelling stories from school, showing him photos and getting his arms moving with some games of cards. It was comforting, having Pope there whenever JJ woke up from his naps. That warm smile Pope wore just for him, those dorky jokes, and facts about anything Pope could think of. Anything to take JJ's mind off of the fact that he couldn't even walk at the moment.

It wasn't until later on that JJ was able to get up and get moving with the help of the nurses and some crutches. Pope and the others aided in any way JJ needed, whether it was to hold him by the waist or keep back, they did it and JJ would be forever grateful. It was especially nice on the last night at the hospital that JJ was allowed to be taken outside in the garden with Pope, eating some lunch on a bench, just laughing and talking.

"Hey, sunshine." Voices Pope from the doorway, wearing that goddamn smile that has JJ's heart doing somersaults.

Looking up from stuffing clothes into his duffel bag, JJ grins, tripping and falling into his boyfriend's arms, ignoring the pain it creates. "My golden boy," Coos JJ, nuzzling their noses together. "I didn't think you'd be here, what about school?"

Pope chuckles, leading JJ back over to sit down on the bed. "I'm ahead in all my classes, I couldn't miss helping my boyfriend come stay at mine."

"That's very sweet of you." Smiles JJ. "My bags all packed, I think your mum's just signing the papers."

It isn't long before Pope's mother makes an appearance, taking the duffel bag from Pope's hands before he can argue, nodding in the direction out the door. JJ slides his arms into the crutches and does his best to make his way outside to the carpark, Pope's hands occasionally circling his waist whenever JJ feels as though he were about to stumble to the concrete.

The drive is quiet, JJ's head resting on Pope's shoulder, somehow still tired after the countless days of rest he had just endured. Their hands are interlocked, out in the open on the seat. JJ had learnt very fast that Pope's parents hadn't a care in the world who he dated, as long as they were kind. JJ hoped they thought of him as kind.

"I hope you don't mind love, but you'll be sleeping with Pope in his room for the time being while we sort out a room for you." Pope's mother says as they walk through the front door, Pope racing up the stairs to put JJ's bag in his room. "I trust in you, but I have to be that parent and tell you no funny business, not that that would be possible considering your injuries."

Laughing quietly, head bowed, JJ nods. "Yes Ma'am."

"What's so funny?" Questions Pope, stopping short at the couch.

"Nothing," Breathes JJ, letting out a sigh, smiling over at his boyfriend. "Let's go get me unpacked, roomie."

Rolling his eyes, Pope shakes his head. "I'm your boyfriend, JJ. Did you seriously just call me roomie?"

JJ doesn't respond, just snickers and walks past Pope towards the stairs, muscles straining under the weight of his body. Pope comes up behind him, placing his hands on JJ's hips. "It's okay," JJ says, gazing over his shoulder. "I've got it."

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