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Chapter 15; The Yew

You're like this Yew, captivating but dangerously poisonous

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You're like this Yew, captivating but dangerously poisonous.

───── ❝ m.yg. ❞ ───── 

After witnessing Jimin's and Haru's little sentimental moment, Yoongi went off into a heavy trail of thoughts, allowing the warning gust of the possibly upcoming storm to dry his tears. And the more time he spent thinking about nothing in particular, the more he realised that his world consisted of nothing but scepticism, fume, Haneul and... Haru. 

It wasn't something that the very few people that knew a thing or two about him realised, but he actually didn't know himself. Nonetheless, the bloke didn't consider this to be an issue. He didn't care and didn't want to know himself because he was afraid. 

Min Yoongi was terrified by the thought of what type of person he could potentially have been. Min Yoongi was a man that thrived on cajolery; cajolery that he used upon himself because he didn't want to dive deep into what his past life was like

He wanted things to be the way they had to be, he didn't want to deal with things like "the heart wants what it wants". What his heart wanted, most certainly, didn't concern him. And, perhaps, that was why he suffered so much.

His chest was heavy and ached every day even though nothing particularly bad had happened to him. However, being such a weird geezer, he didn't wish to know what this untoward heartache was all about. He preferred silence, he preferred ignorance. 

Yoongi stood stiffly in the university's garden, knowing that he'd be unlikely to get caught during class time. The young bloke pondered whether he should go to class and smile at his best friend as if nothing had happened, or if he should just leave. 

A loud thunder roared and the sky gradually became livid. A raindrop plunged on top of his nose, making him flinch. Another one fell onto his cancer stick, almost lighting it off.

Something was set off in Yoongi at that moment. He dropped the cigarette and killed it with the sole of his shoe, booting some dirt over it before rushing towards the parking lot. 

By the time Yoongi was on the roadway, his car just being one of the other many cars stuck in traffic, the storm had already commenced. The pitter-patter that violently punched the front window of his car made his head throb even harder. 

He couldn't believe that he cried, that he was hurt by Haru doing the same things as him: finding love, being in love. He was an utter, fucking hypocrite. Apart from that, he had ditched Haneul. Again.

That was why he was planning to make up for it. He wanted to go to Haneul's house once again and apologize to her. Yoongi realised that he kept on apologising to his girlfriend without actually changing, which was very jerk-like of him.

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