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Kelechi, let go of Anita who was still on the floor. "Get out of here right now before I give you another round."

"You can't do anything." Anita, shouted on the floor wiping a lone tears. "I will break your head when I get up."

"Bring it on then." Kelechi, challenged.

"Miss Kelechi, I didn't know you to be a wrestler. What's happening?"

"Sir, don't worry."

"Sorry to say, I'm disappointed in you. I've known you to be the quite type. What triggered you into engaging in violence?"

"She did, sir. But it won't happen again." Kelechi, replied feeling remorseful. "Now leave this place."

"I won't. We must finish this fight." Anita, stood up.

"Young lady, you look like the  troublesome type. Do you live anywhere around here?"

"How is that your concern you old man? Respect your old age shameless man."

"Wow!" The older man exclaimed in shock.

"Sir, you see why I did what I did?"

"I now understand you, but you don't join a mad person in acting mad."

"And who is the mad person, you this wrinkled man!" Anita, faced him.

"You lack home training. I have a granddaughter of your age..."

"So you are that old and you wouldn't mind your business?"

"Leave this compound right now!" Kelechi, said. "I regret ever knowing you. You lack manners, so saucy, zero respect, prideful, spiteful, excessive jealousy. You name it. I don't want to see your face ever again. You disgust me."

"Look who is talking, what about you? Boyfriend snatcher, vile, loose, dirty, poor..."

"Poor?" Kelechi burst into laughter. "And you came to borrow stuff from me. Totally ridiculous I must say."

"Already told you the reason why that is. You are not even up to my level to deserve my attention, reason why I stopped talking to you. Too local for my own good."

"You really should be ashamed of yourself. I can give you some if you've got non left."

"Wag your tongue for all I care. You cornered my boyfriend using your unwashed privates. The charm you used on him will break soon enough. I promise you that."

"Now I know you are delusional. All your shall cloth you like a garment very soon.''

"You'll first be clothed before I, mark my word."

"We shall see."

"Looking forward to it."

"What did I ever see in you?" Kenneth, chirped in.

"Now you ask that after having your way with me, huh?"

"I never saw your nakedness. You never let me, you sneaky liar."

"Deny for all I care." Anita, gazed back at, Kelechi. "Did he tell you how I was once pregnant for him?"

"I know better than to believe you." To Anita's surprise Kelechi smiled at Kenneth. "Don't worry defending yourself honey. I know she is lying as usual."

"You two losers deserve each other anyways."

"Leave. Now."

"Come and make me!" Anita, retorted.

"Wait for me." Kelechi went into her house, a minute later she ran out holding a pestle.

Without waiting for divine motivation, Anita raced off screaming, "she wants to kill me O."

After chasing her down the street, Kelechi started backing murmuring how she would have scattered her head with the weapon.

When Anita was certain that Kelechi was no longer after her, she stopped running. So tired to even grumble. She sat under a tree to catch her breath before heading back home.
An hour later, she opened her eyes when she heard barely muffled giggles. She discovered she had fallen asleep there.

"Is that not the girl in the video we saw?" One of the three women sitting on a bench near by, whispered to the others to Anita's hearing.

"Ah! She's the one. The cloth is the same." Another replied. They all laughed.

Anita, glaced behind her, left and right wondering who they were referring to. When she saw no one else present there, she stood up. Her entire body aching. She stagger-walked to her apartment, fell on the bed to get another round of sleep. Her phone rang; when she saw it was Eniola, she wanted to decline the call, then decided to know what the problem was. Forgetting she had told, Eniola that she was traveling to Dubai.

"Damn girl what's that video I saw online?"

"What video?"

"A very nasty fight between you and an online marketer."

The dizziness from her eyes vanished instantly. "What are you talking about."

"You told me you were traveling out of the country today, from Abuja. What were you now doing in Ikorodu?"

"Me? Ikorodu? I'm currently in Abuja. I was late for my flight so I booked for 5pm today. Whatever video you watched isn't me."

"I doubt that, Anita. It's all over the Internet. Watched it on instablog."

"Let me call you back. The hotel room attendant just brought the different dishes I ordered for."

"Okay, dear."

Anita hung up. She sat up, eyes wide open she frantically scrolled through instablog's post, stopped when she saw the video. "Unbelievable..." She whispered as she watched herself getting the beating of her life. And finally when she ran out of the compound screaming for help. Then to the caption that stated: Anny a popular slay queen got the beating of her life by a marketer while trying to steal a dress.

"Ahhh! Who did this to me? Kelechi has finished me!" She cried.

Her phone rang again. Without checking the caller, she picked.

"Anita, how could you?" Michael's pained voice sounded through.

"I swear I'm not the one."

"And you are still lying..."

"Believe me I'm not the one."

"Anita, just stop it already."

"Okay, you know me too well so I won't lie to you. Yes, I'm the one but I wasn't stealing any cloth."

"And you expect me to believe that? Good that I left earlier and not get entangled in that mess. Bye."

"Micheal, don't you dare hang up on me!" She glanced at the screen and saw that he already cut the call. "I won't let this happen." She said with a narrowed eyes.


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