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"What are you doing here?" Anita, furiously demanded.

"I should be asking you that question." He fired back glaring dagger at, Anita.

"I can't believe this, Kenneth. After everything?"

Kenneth, Anita's ex boyfriend rolled his eyes at her. "Do you know eachother?" He directed at, Kelechi..

"I once knew her but not anymore." Kelechi, replied.

"You don't know me anymore you bloody traitor!" Anita, fired at Kelechi.

"You need to leave my house right now... You know what, give me my cloth."

"Give you back your cloth? After you snatched my boyfriend? Never! It's mine now."

"You are joking right? Snatch whose boyfriend? For your information, this is my fiance, Ken. We are getting married in two months."

Anita, raced her gaze between the two, refusing to believe what Kelechi said. "I know you are lying. Kenneth, you still love me I know that. We never broke up. You just disappeared into thin air. Blocked my line and everything. I still love you..."

"You love what I offered you; my money. You messed around with other men. Six of them I counted..."

"That's not true..."

"James is not true? David is not true? Samuel is not true? Ejike is not true? Or is it Tunde? Not to mention..."

"That's enough. I don't love them. They came for me and I turned them down..."

"Oh? You turned Samuel down in Ofix hotel, in room 18 on the 20th of July right?" He laughed,  and it had nothing to do with happiness, but everything to do with bitterness. "Okay, let's forget that one. Let's talk about Tunde, the day you turned him down in Mrs. Fredrick's beer parlour. I saw how you were busy turning him down by kissing like there was no tomorrow. Like it was the last time you had to kiss... How about, David... The day..."

"You were stalking me?"

"Yes! When my friends told me you were a cheat and a gold digger, I refused to believe not until I saw the evidence with my own eyes."

"But... But..." Anita, stammered.

"But what? That's in the past now. I've forgiven you for the time wasted and all the money I wasted on you. Oh... And you are getting dry and dryer every single day because you don't have any man to feast on his money anymore."

"I hate you!" Anita, said between clenched teeth. Her anger wasn't that he broke up with her, her fury leveled on the fact that she was penniless. When she was with him he made sure she lacked nothing. He supplied her with everything she needed. Paid her monthly allowance of 150k. She was very comfortable. Why did she even agree to live with that boy called; Micheal. He contributed to her brokenness. Brought nothing to the table of their casual friendship but his senseless photography. "Ugghhh!" She screamed. "You will so pay for it you prostitute!" She threw at, Kelechi.

"Are you insane? Do you still remember where you are?"

"Your dirty house of course. I hate you, too. Now you are enjoying his money right?"

"You think every woman out there is like you? I work so damn hard for my money. Every single day. While you are going about looking for who's cloth to borrow to go snap picture and deceive the gullible on instagram, I am taking orders for my product and also advertising other businesses for cool cash. If it makes you happy, for my loyalty my baby here treats me like the queen I am. Do you also care to know where he engaged me last Saturday? In Dubai. I didn't post the pictures because I don't like attention like you, which you know. You can see the pictures if you want." Kelechi, started scrolling through her phone.

"To hell with you and your pictures. Mark my word, you both won't get away with this." Anita, threatened.

"What can you do?" Kenneth, demanded tauntingly.

"You both wait and see." Anita, turned to leave.

"Give me back my cloth." Kelechi, said going after her.

"I won't... It's mine now you piece of sh*t."

"You dare insult me!" Kelechi drew her back, snatched the outfit she had given, Anita from her grip.

"It's mine now..." Anita, went for her. Punched her on the face.

"Yayyyy! You hit me!" Kelechi, shouted dropping the cloth on the floor. Her fisted right hand connected with, Anita's face.

"My pretty face, you want to ruin my beautiful face... I said it! You've been jelouse of my beauty!" Anita, made to grab Kelechi's hair.

Kelechi shifted to the side, grabbed Anita's instead.

"Let go of my hair you witch!"

"You two should stop it already!" Kenneth pulled Kelechi back. When Anita went after her, he pushed her back. "That's enough, Anita. What is wrong with you?"

"You both want to beat me right? Shameless he-goat and she-goat. You must beat me today!" She slapped, Kenneth.

"Ah! Baby shift let me teach this mannerless cockroach a lesson she will never forget!" Kelechi shouted.

"Sweetheart don't worry I will handle it."

"Handle what? Leave her to fight me. If I don't remove her front teeth... My face O!" Anita, screamed upon receiving a punch on her mouth from, Kelechi.

"I will first remove your teeth before you touch mine." Shoving a now happy Kenneth to the side, Kelechi attacked Anita and they started throwing blows at eachother till Anita fell to the floor. Kelechi dragged her out to the corridor and resumed the fight.

"Kenneth, it shall never be well with you. You watch her fight me and do nothing?" Anita, shouted almost breathless as she shielded her head from Kelechi's pummeling.

"You were spoiling for a fight na. Hungry for violence... You also said I wanted to join in to beat you, so face your fellow woman." Kenneth started whistling, he sat on the chair beside the door.

"What is going on here!" A commanding voice sounded from the gate.


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