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Well it looks like I'm bailing Madelaine out. I know I should tell Vanessa but I don't want her feeling uneasy even though I know she will regardless. Today I'm supposed to bail her out since it's the twins birthday and she wanted to surprise them. Lili, camila and Vanessa are busy getting the party set up.

As of right now I was sitting outside the jail gathering all the cash Madelaine made me take out of her backup account.

I got out of my car after a while and went inside the jail to be meet with the receptionist.

"How can I help you today?"

"I'm here bail out Madelaine petsch. I have the money here in this bag" I said showing the medium size bag.

"Alright, I'll have to get someone to count it to be sure. You can sit there until then" the lady smiled taking the bag and giving it to someone beside her.

As told I sat down waiting until further instructions. Which didn't take long since the receptionist called me back up in just two minutes.

"So it's the exact amount. We have someone get Madelaine out right now"

"Ok, thank you" I smiled. I sat down so I wasn't in other peoples way. I took my phone out to text my lovely boyfriend that I'll be home in a couple hours and that I was celebrating my niece and nephew birthday. He reply back with an ok and that he hopes I'm safe and our baby.

I heard the door open and looked up to see Madelaine. She didn't see me yet. She went to the receptionist and probably asked her a question. The lady pointed in my direction and Madelaine finally saw me she thank the woman then walked towards me.

"Hey Kelly! I didn't even recognize you!" She smiled. "Your pregnant!"

"Yea yea, we can talk later come on so I can quickly get back to my girls" I said standing up.

"Could you take me to my apartment so I can take a shower and stuff?" Madelaine asked me as we walked to my car.

"Yea but I want you to know I haven't told anyone I bail you out, not even Vanessa"

"Ok, I wanted to do a surprise for the kids. I was wondering if you could like sneak me into the house?" She asked as we got in the car. "I'll pay extra for everything your doing for me"

"Yea yea, I don't want the money though. I'm doing this so the kids can be happy and so you and Vanessa can fix the shit you cause"

"I know she'll never forgive me. I know she told you everything"

"She did. That was pretty fucked up of you to say that but Madelaine you are a hot heat. You need to find a way to control that before you actually hurt her or the kids"


"I know. My lawyer said she prescribed me some medicine to help" I sighed looking out the window. "Things won't be the same now. She'll never trust me ever again and I know it"

"Yea it may take some time but give it a chance" I said stoping at a red light.

"That if she gives me a chance. I'm the one who fucked things up. If I don't get the chance then I'm not going to bother her. I don't want her scared...what about the divorce papers? She tell you about those?"


"Has she signed them yet or.."

"To be honest with you Madelaine she hasn't. She doesn't even take off the damn weeding ring and if she does she going crazy looking for it" I chucked driving now.

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