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Come back on this account and I'm over 800 followers and people are still reading these unfinished books so this is a thank you chapter and I'm thinking of coming back onto this account and write more Choni/madnessa books. Would anyone like that idea :)


I wanted to surprise this kids by showing up before they went to school but I fuckin overslept.

I couldn't get any sleep last night. From everything happening now and things that happened in the pass.

It was 9:21am and when I looked up the school the kids went to it said it opened at 9am.

And they also are having a event at 4pm so I could definitely make it to that.

I have to meet up with my lawyer today about my pills. I've been out of jail for a few now and I'm just now about to get my meds. I'm glad cause that means my "anger issues" will be solved.

I was getting ready for that. She wanted to meet at her office to catch up on things.

Checking my phone it was 9:37am and I wanted to be at her office at 10am.

Doing my finishing touches, I packed the things I needed and headed out. Maybe doing this and telling Vanessa will make her trust me more.

So before heading off to my lawyers office I decided to text Vanessa that I'm getting my medication and hope that we could talk one on one.


"Ok Madelaine. Here's the medicine. The pharmacist said to take one pill a day."

"Thank you for getting them to me" I smiled taking the small container from her.

Leaving from her office after telling her how I'm doing I decided to give Vanessa a call.

This is Vanessa. Please leave a voicemail and I'll get back with you.

I let out a sigh while calling lili.

"Yes Madelaine?"

"Are you around Vanessa by any chance?"

"No. I believe Kelly is with her"

"Ok thanks. Talk later"

"You're welcome"

I hung up and dial Kelly's number. "What is it?" She asked once she answered.

"Can I please talk with Vanessa"

"Vanessa honey someone would like to talk with you" I heard Kelly say and a muffled voice in the background.


"Heys it's Madelaine. I was wonder if we could talk..like at the park around people of course if your up to it."

"I don't know"

"I promise I won't do nothing to you Vanessa. I just want to be on good terms with you and let you see that I can take care of the kids by myself." I begged.

"Ok..at the park..in the middle where most people be"

"Ok. Thank you for meeting up with me. We can do it now and get it out of the way" I suggested.

Lost memories(madnessa)Where stories live. Discover now