seven | silver-linings and goodbyes

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silver-linings and goodbyes

┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓CHAPTER SEVENsilver-linings and goodbyes┗━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┛

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DIANA HAD BEEN waiting to meet her fellow avengers for an hour since she arrived at Central Park. She had just gotten off the phone with Fury, finally accepting that S.H.I.E.L.D job he offered so many years ago. The summer breeze was warm against Diana's skin yet she still wore her leather jacket and the clothes she wore when she first boarded the shield helicarrier.

When she opened her eyes to gaze upon the water, S.H.I.E.L.D cars and the notable convertibles hauling her teammates pulled up to the spot she was at. S.H.I.E.L.D agents guarded them from the near empty park behind them as they gathered around on the footbridge.

The Avengers and a now-better Erik Selvig all walked to the center of a footbridge. Tony is carrying a briefcase containing the tesseract, Thor has Loki in a muzzle and handcuffs.

Selvig took a glass cylinder out of a truck turning around to face the team before him. Tony opens his case, which is on the ground. Banner holds the Cube with some tongs and puts it into the glass cylinder Selvig has.

Diana stood next to Steve with her arms crossed over her chest, she was drugged up on pain meds and her torso was wrapped to hold her ribs in place to heal and to protect her wound. She felt him nudge her shoulder, pulling her attention to him, he smiled reassuringly and she smiled back.

She put her attention back on Thor and Loki, the tall brunette man was still in her cuffs and a mouth piece to shut him up. Diana winked, holding her thumb to her ear and her pinky to her mouth. She mouthed the words "call me" to him and chuckled when he shot a glare at her.

Thor smiled as he shook hands and said goodbye to Selvig. As Loki looked upon Natasha, she whispered something into Clint's ear that made him smile. Diana was definitely gonna want to know what was said as she put her hand down. She gave one last wave to the two alien-gods as they stood in an open spot on the path.

Thor held the cylinder that has the Tesseract in it. He
gestured it to Loki, who grabbed one end of the cylinder and Thor had the other, he nodded to the others and twisted the device, which lit up and the two vanished into the sky as the group of them looked on.

Steve stepped over to Tony who was in front of the latters seemingly new car, Steve and him shook hands. Natasha had taken a duffel bag out of the backseat of a S.H.I.E.L.D car and she handed it to Bruce as Clint headed to the driver's seat of his own car.

diana | b. barnes ¹Where stories live. Discover now