|Episode 4|

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Third Person's POV

After the phone call Ianna immediately dashed out the house but not before putting a mask and hat, leaving a note on her door and grabbed her bag, hover board and the bracelet to operate it.

  Unlike most hoverboards Ianna's own literally hovers at least 5 inches off the ground, also being powered by a solar powered engine, the surface of the board acts as the panel to absorb the heat into energy.

  The bracelet is also tied/connected to it like most of Ianna's designs that she stores in her lab that her uncle kindly provided to her for her tenth birthday that only they know about. While whisking through the streets to the train she reminisces about how her father and her used to do this together when he had time, racing through streets before her mother called to ask where they were. 

   Breaking her out of her trance was the sight of a truck speeding towards the four way intersection a distance in front of her where people where passing. Though she thought nothing of it until it didn't seem to be slowing down "Ay dios mío." Pulling out her S.E.S. (Specially Enhanced Specs) she put them on and started to calculated the speed, velocity and force it would take to stop it. Trying to stop it would be it would be out of the question would be out of the question, she was not All Might.

   Rotating her foot on the surface on her board a bit she sped up and ascended over the heads of the people below her. Recognising the situation a certain crimson eyed boy who was walking home from and aggravating school day abandoned his school bag and used his quirk joining the girl, though she didn't acknowledge him he spared a glance or glare in his case at her.

   Her golden brown hair flew back by the wind but he quickly turned back to situation. Just as the truck was getting closer a kid jump into the road and her mother after him. "Take the kid!" Ianna shouted to him though he thought she didn't notice him. "Don't give me orders!" He shouted back louder.

  Everything went in slow motion as Ianna tackled the woman while he scooped up the kid and they fell to the sidewalk. The truck that was speeding came to a screeching halt making all the cars on the road to stop. Both teens looked at the truck before screaming,


   At the top of their lungs before looking at each other surprised that they said the same thing.

 Ianna broke eye contact with the mysterious boy before sticking her hand behind her allowing her board to make contact with her hand. The people on the sidewalk watched in shock as to what happened. The crimson eyed boy let his eyes linger on the caramel skinned girl before seeing her looking around for something. 

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