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Just a small note before you begin to read this story: Thank you so much for taking the time to read this story of mine and I can't wait to show you what I can bring out in this story and many others in the curvy kind of series.

Another thing I wanted everyone to be aware of is that the turn 'fat' and other things will be used through out this story. I am not shaming anyone, just that the word and many others will be used for the story.


Mia stood outside the front of the bar.

A very loud bar she might add.

She couldn't believe she had let her friends talk her into this. Mia was an independent 22 year old woman, so how could she let her friends talk her into going to a bar full of loud, intoxicated people?

"Come along they said, it'll be fun they said, you need to put yourself out there more they said." Mia shook her head and took a deep breath before stepping through the doors and start her search for her friends.

It wasn't hard to spot them; they were sitting furthest away from the front of the bar, just near the jukebox. They began waving her over, big smiles on their faces that Mia couldn't help but smile back. As she made her way over to them, her nerves were slowing dying down at the thought of familiar company.

Mia was a larger kind of girl. She knew this, she had people tell her that almost every since she was in high school. Her mother was one of the main people to tell her to 'lose weight' and 'no man is going to want to date you if you look like that!' But once Mia was 18 years old, she moved out of her parent's house and began her new life. But that didn't take her very far, she only moved a few towns over. Mia couldn't catch a break, living in another small town.

As Mia was making her way over, she felt the heels of her shoe slip, making her knock into the table she was passing. Mia quickly turned her head, ready to apologise but the two men let out a loud yell.

"Watch where you're going fat ass!" one of them snarled, wiping up the beer that had been spilled out of the can.

"I-I'm so sorry sir, please let me just-"

"Don't bother! You've done enough with your huge ass! Get out of the way, you're blocking the walk way with that thing"

Mia nodded her head and continued to walk over to the table of girls.

"I should go over there and kick his ass! This is America for fuck sake! You can't talk to women like that!" Louise, Mia's best friend yelled; slamming her fist down on the table.

Jessie and Charlie shook their heads at Louise, knowing it would only make things worse if they let her go over to the men.

"I shouldn't have come out tonight guys, I don't see why you invited me to a bar of all places!" Mia sighed, resting her head onto her hands and shaking her head.

"Mia, you're not getting out of this." Jessie laughed, finishing the rest of her beer and placing the empty can down.

Mia let out a groan and lifted her head, "Then I need a drink," she said, taking out a $20 bill from her pocket, "Louise, can you go get another round?"

Louise snorted, "Oh no! You aren't roping me into that. You go do it yourself"

"Bitch" Mia mumbled under breath before getting on her feet and slowly making her way towards the bar. The familiar uncomfortable feeling greeted her like an old friends as she stood at the bar.

Waiting quietly, Mia took the time to take in her surroundings. Never would she have thought she'd be here o a Friday night, she could think of a million better things to do. But deep down, Mia knew she had to at least try and put herself in these kind of surroundings, to get out of her little comfort zone.

"Um, excuse me?" she called over all the loud noise of the bar, trying to get the attention of the bar tender, who was chatting up a pretty blonde at the over end of the bar.

Mia sighed, "Excuse me!"

Nope, not even a glance.

Mia shook her head and turned on her heels and began to walk back over to the girl's but a loud voice made her stop and turn back around.

"Oi, Matty! You've been keeping this lady waiting. So how about you keep your dick in your pants and fucking serve her?"

Mia looked over to where the foreign voice was coming from and her green eyes met hazel.

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