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Hiya! Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! I've decided to start up more fics soon, all to do with girls that aren't skinny models like in some fanfics. But anyway! I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't be shy in letting me know what you think! Quick shout out to my best friend hemmingsaddict_ and I highly recommend her story Broken Homes!

When Ashton was little, he had always dreamed to be playing the drums in a world known band, making money doing something he was so in love with. Waking up happy, waking up knowing that his job was important.

Working at a little auto shop wasn't what Ashton had set out to do. But he had to be realistic, this was a small town and there weren't many job opportunities. But like drumming, Ashton was good with his hands so mechanic work came easy to him. His dreams of being a drummer were crushed years ago.

His dad bought him his first drum set when he was 10 years old, looking back on it now Ashton knew he only got that because his father felt guilt, keeping his affairs and other son secret from Ashton and his mother.

His mother was a mess when she found out. As soon as she heard the news, she left a 16 year old Ashton to live with his father. But when Ashton turned 18, he moved far away from his father and into the small, shitty apartment he still lives in to this day. For so many years he hated his mother, never understood why she left.

When a 15 year old Luke showed up on his door step, he finally understood.

Ashton sighed at the memory, a wave of sadness hitting him hard in the chest. He didn't want to be at work today, he wished he had just stayed in bed.

He felt embarrassed at the thought of Mia turning him down for a drink, he felt shitty and immature for way he handled it. He had to learn that he wasn't good enough for her.

"Ashton! Are you done fixing that white car yet? Fat ass will be back soon" one of the other workers called out to him from under a red truck.

Ashton curled his hands into fists and began walking over to the man, Scott. As soon as he reached him, he leaned down and pulled him out from under the car. He grabbed his shirt collar, bringing Scott up to stand in front of him.

"If I ever hear you say something like that again Scott, I'll fücking beat your ass so hard that people won't be able to recognise you. We clear?"

Ashton could feel Scott shaking in his hold, his head began nodding. Ashton let go of his collar and gave him a snarl before pushing him in the chest and walking back over to Mia's car.

Ashton ran his fingers through his hair, wanting to go back over and hit Scott, to hit anything to get this angry out of him. He quickly opened the car door and climbed in, slamming the door close and closing his eyes.

He took a deep breath before opening them, taking in the inside of Mia's small car. He smiled at the small turtle toy hanging from the review mirror, feeling his chest tighten at how fücking cute she was. He knows he shouldn't be thinking about her after basically saying she wasn't interested in meeting at the bar, but he couldn't help it.

His heart jumped at the thought of her small, awkward smile while his dick jumped at the thought of her in those dark blue jeans. The way they hugged her thighs and made her ass look so damn good, all he could think about was his hands on her and if he ever did, he'd never let go.

Ashton grunted at the small problem beginning to happen in his work pants and he shook his head. Before he could think about her anymore, he jumped out of the car quickly and did a final check of her car. He glanced up at the clock, hoping time would pass quicker so he could see her again.

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