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She knew coming here was a mistake.

She knew something bad would happen, she knew stepping very far out of her comfort zone was a bad idea. So why did she go? Why did she agree to go to a house party that someone she didn't even know was throwing?

'That's right' Mia though to herself



If you had told Mia a few months ago that she would end up curled up against a man who thought she hung the stars and gave the moon it's beautiful light, she would have laughed in your face.

It had been a few weeks since she first stayed at Ashton's place for the first time. Now, she couldn't seem to leave. She didn't know if that was moving too fast for.. For whatever they were but she knew it felt right.

They hadn't spoken about a relationship status and Mia wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. She didn't want to see other guys and she most definitely didn't want Ashton to see other girls.

But she wouldn't blame him for wanting to.

And the other thing was that Mia knew he was getting frustrated, sexually.

Apart from the heavy make out sessions and a few boon grabs, they hadn't taken it very far in the bedroom. And she hated herself for it. She hated making him wait but Mia knew she wasn't ready to expose herself fully to Ashton.

Shaking her head of the thoughts, Mia turned her head to look over at the alarm clock; 6:59am

Ashton had to get up any minute now if he wanted to be on time for work while Mia could stay in bed all day if she wanted to. Some days that she had off she would visit Ashton at the garage but Ashton had a strict 'no distracting' rule which always ends with Ashton taking her into the bathroom and touching her wherever he can reach the quickest.

Moving her hands slowly over Ashton's arm, she shook him gently and placed a kiss to his shoulder. Resting her head down on him, she waited for him to wake up.

Feeling his body shift, she lifted her head to see his eyes opening slowly and giving her a sleepy smile, "Time is it?" He mumbled.

"Time to get up" Mia grins, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"What was that?" He asked.

"What was what?"

He rolled his eyes, "That sorry excuse of a kiss"

Mia places a hand on her chest, "Excuse me, but that was perfectly expectable kiss for so early in the morning"

Mia watched Ashton slowly sit up, the white covers sliding down his shirtless chest making her eyes look down before quickly facing him again. He had that stupid smirk on his face that drove Mia insane.

"Come e're," his deep voice said, "and give us a real kiss"

Whatever Mia was going to say was lost as Ashton pressed his lips to her before she could think of something smart to say. She knew they both had morning breath and that Ashton really needed to get up and get ready for work but as soon as she felt his lips, she was lost in a completely different world.

His hand was holding the back of neck, pushing her as close to him as he could and his other hand was resting up on her thigh, his thumb rubbing it ever so slowly.

As the kiss broke, Mia couldn't help but hold her chest and cheek. She knew she was probably blushing because no matter how many kisses she got from Ashton, every one of them made her feel something.

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