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Well, it's been awhile...

There were three things Mia realized when she woke up:

A) She wasn't in her apartment
B) She felt like pancakes
C) There was something hard pressed against her back

Mia's eyes flew open, her eyes widening at the feeling against her ass.

She slowly moved her head to look over her shoulder, her eyes softening at the sight.

Ashton sound asleep. His hair hanging over his forehead, his mouth slightly opened and breathing in softly. He looked so peaceful and innocent when he was sleeping, Mia had never seen him like this before.

This movement would actually be romantic if his dick wasn't pressed against my ass.

Mia turned back around and slowly lifted Ashton's off of her stomach. That made Mia freeze and dropping his arm.

He was hugging her stomach, the whole night. Mia looked down at the shirt Ashton had lent her and her eyes squeezed shut. The shirt had lifted up during the night, exposing her stomach to Ashton's hand. This cannot be happening

Did he see in the middle of the night? What if he felt grossed out? What if he laughed?

Mia's heart began to beat faster and faster at the thought of Ashton laughing at her while she slept.

Mia opened her eyes again and began lifting Ashton's arm off of her again. She carefully laid his arm into the bed before standing up quickly and slowly creeping out of the room and closing the door quietly behind her.

"Walk of shame?" A voice came from the room.

Mia looked towards the kitchen to see Luke leaning against the counter, coffee in hand.

And no shirt.

Mia quickly shook her head at his question, a frown forming on her face. "I didn't have sex with Ashton"

Luke chuckled slightly before crossing his arms, "Foreplay wasn't too good was it?"

"No, last night we just slept in the same bed, no funny business happened"

Luke rolled his eyes, "Weak."

It was Mia's turn to laugh as she made her way towards the kitchen and standing next to Luke. "So what's for breakfast?"

Luke scoffed, "Honey, I don't cook"

Mia rolled her eyes and stepped towards the fridge, pulling out basically all of the things in there. There wasn't much to work with but Mia wanted to thank both boys for their hospitality. Plus Mia liked to cook, it was her thing. But she never liked to tell people that.

Because they would all say the same thing:

"No wonder you are the size that you are"

"Do you eat everything you cook?"

"Maybe you should make a salad every once and awhile"

"You cook too much, that's why you are this size"

Mia shook her head at the bad thoughts before turning to the different cabinets and frowning slightly.

"The bowls are in the top shelf and whatever else you need is just below it." Luke voice said from behind her.

Mia turned her head and offered him a warm smile before getting back to work.

"So Mia, what's a girl like you doing dating Ashton?"

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