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Okay how good does Ashton look in that photo? Maaaaaaaaaan.  Also, updates will be more frequent as I have just finished school! I'm so happy! Please let me know what you think and my inbox is always open for your opinions and questions about the story! (There's a bit of smut but it's so badly written I can't write smut for shit omg) - B


He had never hated himself more than now. He had done similar things to this before, gotten drunk and picked a fight at the bar once or twice but this was far worse. Ashton could feel everyone's eyes on him, ready to jump on him at any moment, ready to hold him down from attacking again. But right now he didn't care about Luke yelling at him from beside him, yelling that he's sorry and how stupid Ashton is for almost killing a man, yelling about how he's scared Mia.


He made a promise to himself he'd never get like this anymore or at least not in front of her. Ashton looked up from his hands, around Luke and in the corner of the room. He watched her shield herself away from the people in the room, the only person that was near her was Louise; Mia had quietly asked Luke to call her down here. It broke Ashton's heart that she couldn't even look at him.

"-I mean what happened man? How could you let yourself get like that again? And in front of her of all people! I thought these days were over! The days I would get a call from the police at 3am, calling to tell me that my idiot older brother got himself in another bar fight! But this tops them all! Like all the stupid things you've done in your life-"

"I get it Luke, I honestly get it." Ashton sighed out, a wave of exhaustion washing over him.

"I don't think you do!-"

As soon as Luke started up again, Ashton decided it was best to block his brothers voice out, feeling at some peace when he heard him sigh and walk away from him. He needed this, space. Space from Luke, space from everyone really.

Everyone but Mia.

He continued to watch her, his eyes refusing to leave her. He knew he had no right to want to be near her, to hold her after what he did. He knew she too needed space.

He didn't know how he was going to fix this. He knew he needed to but how could be possibly approach her now? She was scared of him.

But he couldn't help but feel anger. Why wasn't Luke talking about what the scum bag was about to do to Mia? Why is everyone forgetting the reason he beat the guy?

Ashton shook his head to himself. It might have been okay if he had hit the guy once, hell maybe twice.

He really fucked this up.



Did tonight really happen? Was this all just some intense dream that she would wake up from any minute now?

Mia blinked her eyes severely times, making sure this was real. She looked to her right to see Louise looking at her with a worried expression on her face. As soon as Mia told Louise about what happened, she almost regretted it. Louise wanted her to get up and run, break up with her "psychotic boyfriend" and move in with her. She didn't know what had happened tonight and she didn't know what to feel but she knew she had to talk to Ashton. No matter what Louise says.

She slowly rose to her feet, hugging the jacket Louise had draped over her when she arrived. She looked around the room and only just noticed that most of the people had left, obviously because of what had happened and because Calum had told everyone to leave while he took the man that Ashton had almost killed to the hospital. She felt like she should have gone with them but she didn't trust Calum and definitely did not trust the man that forced himself upon her.

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