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Ashton swore under his breath as he looked around at the crowded bar.

It's never this crowded.

He shook his head and sighed before making his way over to his usual seat at the bar, just in the far left corner, that way no one could or would bother him. Ashton didn't like being bothered at bars, especially after a long day at the garage. Didn't like being bothered by guys he use to go to school with, not by drunken girls that were lonely and needed a shoulder to cry on, not anyone.

It sounded cruel but thats how Ashton liked it, to be left alone.

As noisy as it was, Ashton liked this little bar. He came here almost every night, just to get away from his brother Luke, well half brother. Their dad was a drifter, going from one woman to the next. Ashton didn't even know Luke existed until he showed up at his apartment doorstep.

That was 5 years ago.

Don't get him wrong, Ashton has grown to love Luke over those years; but he can only take so much.

Ashton was brought out of his thoughts by Matty pouring Ashton his usual drink and by two men yelling, Ashton didn't bother looking over to know it was just another bar fight; nothing out of place.

"Watch where you're going fat ass!"

"I-I'm so sorry sir, please let me just-"

Ashton looked up from his drink and his eyes fell on a man cover in beer and a woman. A very curvy woman.

Ashton's felt his eyes shifting from the scene before him to focus more on the woman. His eyes began wondering down her body and right on her ass. He was a guy, he couldn't help it.

And boy was he glad his eyes fell on her ass. Her ass looked too good in her dark blue jeans, hugging her thighs so tight that it made Ashton's mouth begin to water. He ran his fingers through his hair at the thought of his large hands cupping her sweet, curvy as-

He stopped himself from thinking the last of his thoughts and closed his eyes; he really didn't want to have a boner in a crowded bar.

"Don't bother! You've done enough with your huge ass! Get out of the way, you're blocking the walk way with that thing"

Ashton's stomach began to turn in anger at the words the man was spitting on the woman, he could see the way her face crawled up in a watery frown before walking away from the man and over to a table of three girls.

Ashton watched her closely from his spot at the bar, watching her put her head in her hands and shake her head at her friends. He managed a small smile before turning back to his drink, taking a long sip.

"Um, excuse me?" he heard from the right of him.

He froze, hoping the request wasn't directed at him. He looked up and his eyes widened at the sight of the same girl that bumped into the drunks. She was even better up close.

The way her long hair fell upon her shoulders and down her back, making him wonder what her hair felt like between his long fingers.

He shook his head, get a grip dickhead.

"Excuse me!"

Her soft voice was louder this time, trying to get the attention of Matty, the most useless bar tender God put on this damn Earth.

Ashton looked over to Matty, who was more interested in hooking up with the drunk blonde that was hanging off of him.

He looked back at the woman, as she rolled her eyes and turned on her heel to make her way back over to her friends. In the first time being at this bar, Ashton wouldn't be bothered if she joined him

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