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Hi! It's 2am and I'm so tired that I will edit tomorrow. This was almost 5,000 so I'm pretty proud of myself. Tell me what you think yo!

"Really Mia? If I knew you were desperate for a second job, I would have helped!"

And people wonder why I keep most things to myself.

"What wrong with working at Betty's? It's a cute little diner and I happen to like it" Mia stated, fixing her hair into a ponytail and giving herself a once over in the mirror.

Mia looked over at Louise, rolling off the bed and over to her. Mia turned to Louise and sighed, putting her hands on her hips.

Louise frowned, "Okay, I admit the uniform is nice but majority of people that go into that place are old people and drunks"

"I happen to like old people" Mia poked her tongue out and grabbed her bag from the coffee table.

"Call me later and tell me how everything went, or maybe the police will when you get murdered by a bunch of drunks!" Louise yelled as she began walking out the door.

"You'd be the last person I'd have the police would call babe!" Mia yelled back, grinning as she followed behind.


Mia was nervous.

This job required her to talk to people and serve them food.

She really didn't think this one through.

Mia took a deep breath before getting out of her car quickly and heading towards the crowded diner. It was around dinner time, but she didn't think this place got so crowded.

As she entered the diner, Mia smiled brightly at the 50's design of the place and the old music playing in the background under the loud conversations going on.

"Hey! New girl!" A voice called from behind her. Mia turned her head and saw an older lady standing behind the counter, dressed in the same pink uniform. Mia quickly headed over to her.

"So you're Mia," she began, looking Mia over slowly, making her feel even more insecure than when she walked in this place. "Have you worked in any other restaurants before?"

Mia shook her head, "No ma'am"

The lady nodded then smiled, "Well don't worry, everyone's real friendly. Oh! I didn't even tell you my name! Lost my damn name tag again, I'm Betty"

"As in the name of the diner?" Mia questioned, her eyebrow raised.

Betty laughed, "Yes yes, that's me. Now! Let's get you a name tag and off to work! You'll be mainly taking people's orders and bringing out food, maybe even refilling drinks and what not"

Mia's stomach was doing backflips by this point.


By 9pm, Mia was exhausted.

From order after order and running around the kitchen for refills, Mia was glad when the diner finally died down a little.

Plus it was a bonus that no one had made her cry just yet.

As Mia began wiping the benches, the bells at the door rang, meaning more work for Mia to do. She looked up and gasped.

In rolled a young man in his early 20's with a lip ring and bright blue eyes. And following behind was Ashton.

And he looked good.

Dressed in dark jeans and a leather jacket, he followed the other man to a booth at the back of the diner. He sat down opposite his friend, taking a menu and ignoring the noise around him.

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