Hogwarts, here I come!

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Chapter 18

Didn't find any quotes but I hope you have a great day and strive to be your best self, even if it is only reading this book in bed at 16:30pm!

Hi! This is a time skip, finding this a little slow so Harry is now actually going to Hogwarts!

How could I not?

Hogwarts, here I come!

Harry POV

I ran from my room to the greenhouse, towards Vita and Hedwig. I only had half an hour until Leif would be apparating us to the station. I entered the greenhouse to which both of them were waiting for me "You can't take both, Harry." I turned around to see Leif as a 14 year old, very weird. "Wait, then how am I supposed to take care of both of them?" I cried out, "Well, my snake isn't allowed on school grounds due to it being too dangerous. I can take Hedwig and you take Vita."

I hummed, "Yes, but will Vita be able to go? She's a 3 foot giant harpy eagle. She's much more dangerous than a small snake." Leif turns around, heading for the door "Well, I can just use manipulation. Also you can say it is a domesticated eagle, you have the adoption papers right?" I nodded "Yes, so I'll take Vita. You can take Hedwig." He hummed and grabbed her cage by the door.

"Now how am I going to take you?" Leif walked over to me, giving me a very VERY large cage "Fit for an extremely large Golden eagle, Vita should fit." I nodded "Yes, it's almost as tall as me!" Leif nodded, "I'll get everything else along with your stuff and then we can side apparate to 9 3/4.


After the painful mess of me having to learn how to levitate things without a wand, we got to platform 9 and 3/4. It was around 10:30, meaning we had an extra 30 minutes. I house elf by the name of Vinny took our 'pets' and popped away to the animal carriage.

Leif and I walked into the train and entered an empty compartment and sat down, Leif quickly pulling out a large book from his pocket "H-" He interrupted me, "Magic, Harry. You're a wizard." I quickly shouted "Yer' a wizard Harreh!" we both laughed, reminding ourselves of all the fun things in my past life. From the time with moaning myrtle in the prefects bath to the time Dumbledore died.


Soon after, many people started piling in. Eventually, I saw one red headed boy. He looked into our compartment and slammed open the door. Leif was in the corner reading a book and I had just been eating a small bar of twix. "Harry, Harry Potter!" Ron claimed and then tried to sit down next to me "What house are you hoping to be in?" He asked, closing the gap between our legs. I shuffled back, "Possibly Ravenclaw. Now if you could leave-" He interrupted me "Ravenclaw is for sore losers who study all the time! Be in gryffindor with me and we can have tons of fun!" I looked over at Leif, who just so happened to be staring at Ron.

He glanced at me and nodded, "Weasley, don't appreciate your presence. Leave before I make you." Ron turned his head over to look at Leif, I smiled at him, thanking him silently. " Yeh? Why should I? Just because you're a slimy snake-" Leif interrupted him "Snakes aren't slimy. Snakes have scales. Get your facts right if your going to insult me, also I want you to leave us alone because clearly you know nothing about subtlety and how to socialize in a way where you can make friends. Leave, Weasley. Before I get Percy."

I felt happy that Leif was sticking up for me, especially against somebody so important in my old life. "Fine! Be that way," Ron got up and walked over to the door "and harry, don't forget that Gryffindor is best. You don't want to be making friends with snakes." He then closed the door shut and walked off. Leif huffed, we both laughed and Leif sat back down.

At this point, I knew Hermione would be coming in. It's no lie that Neville could never keep Trevor still, and I have to have the bad end of the stick from it. "Have you seen a toad anywhere? a boy named Neville lost his." The bushy haired girl asked, I shook my head and Leif didn't even look up. "Well if you do, he's in number 47." She said.

"Oh, your glasses are broken. Here, let me fix them," She then closed the door and sat down, obviously I had to forget fixing my glasses. Before she could cast the spell, Leif stopped her "I don't understand how somebody could forget to ask for consent to do anything to his property." Leif as himself was already intimidating, now for an 11 year old girl, a 14 year old boy was surely nothing to stand up to but Hermione is Hermione and she wont back down without a fight.

"Well, I'm surely fixing it and if you had done this already then I wouldn't need to." She spat at him, I then scooted over to the far end of the compartment, staying out of the way of her wand. "Well, I'm sure he could do it himself." Leif said, "He hasn't. So I'm doing it for him." "You can't just cast a spell on his property. You could get in trouble for that if I had told a teacher or a prefect."

"What's a prefect?" "A older student who is in charge of their house, they can give detentions and deduct points if they so feel like it." "Well I'll be sure to tell them you're threatening me." "I'll be sure to tell them that you're trying to cast a spell on the chosen one. Doesn't sound good does it?" Leif spat. She shook her head and quickly stood up "I'll be sure to tell my head of house." "Go ahead, not like you can get away with almost altering somebodies property." "They'll believe me over you!" "Not if they have my memory! Now get!" Leif shouted, Hermione quickly ran out of the compartment.

I huffed in astonishment "How in the world did you put up with that." Leif sat down across from me "I didn't," He picked up a book from his small bag "I'm going to curse a few things tonight in the room of requirements." I chuckled and it fell into silence.

Soon after, I fell asleep.


"Hey, wakey wakey. Rise and shine!" my eyes slowly opened to Leif, he was standing in front of me. As I quickly gained back my senses, I heard children screaming outside the compartment. I groaned and got up, making sure to get everything I needed. "Way too hott.." I heard a hiss from Leif's robes. "Leif." I extended my hand, "Fine." Leif reached into his robes and brought out a 9 inch long snake, I then took it from him "Hello, I'll get you some ice later on." I hissed, The snake hissed back in awaiting pleasure and we continued our way out of the train.

"Well, I'll see you in the hall." Leif said, I hummed "Hopefully I'll get Ravenclaw." Leif scoffed "Yeah right, as if. You'll be lucky you don't end up in Gryffindor!" We both laughed and separated.

Making my way to Hagrid, I saw a small house elf popping a few feet away from me. It then ran up to me, making a lot of people stare at me, including Hagrid. "Good sir, without the proper papers you cannot have your eagle within Hogwarts." I hummed.

"Here," I passed the house elf some papers "Signs for adoptions and also the papers registering it as a domesticated eagle." The house elf hummed in delight, "Of course, He will be in your dormitories shortly with a small bag of food." "Beef jerky is her favourite." the house elf nodded and popped away.

Hagrid then continued and we made our journey through to the castle. Going over the lake, I was in a boat with Padma Patil, Susan Bones and Justin finch-Fletchley. These were all people who I wanted to befriend, so I chose to ride to Hogwarts with them. I started some small talk and talked about different sweets and houses, I wanted to seem like a normal 11 year old so I chose the childish boring way.


We then got handed over to McGonagall, my favourite teacher within my school years.

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