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"Torneremo entro domani sera. Nessuna sorpresa. Vi amo ragazzi, ci vediamo" mamma said as we are about to go for our sibling activity which is running for 8 miles. Ma is telling us she'll be back tomorrow night with papà.

It's 6AM, Zak is lucky I got up today when my head is aching from the night before.

"We can't wait to see you!" I chime.

Zak nods his head. "Cosa ti diciamo sempre" papà states with his oh so serious voice on. What do we always tell you

"Rispondi sempre in italiano quando parlato in italiano" we speak in unison as we roll our eyes. Always respond in Italian when spoken to in Italian

Ending the call there, "ready for me to dust you" Zak says with his confidence oozing out. "You can try" I run after locking the door.

It's about miles six when Zak slows down "how can you keep going! Break! Break!"

I chuckle and jog in place as we are on a break. Catching my breathe my phone chimes against my arm.

"Siri: text from Rafe good morning beautiful, what time should I pick you up for toppers party? If you'd like to reply say reply" my AirPods, telling me.

"Reply: good morning cameron, you can pick me up at 8"

"Let's continue now. Dying for water" Zak spoke.

We finish our run then walk back home "how's that girl you were telling me about"

"She's great, you'll probably meet her tonight she's coming with me to toppers"

I nod "can't wait to meet her is she nice"

"Very, shy, demure, vivacious, an enigma of a woman. Mamma will love her"

"Mmm you know people call me vivacious too" I state with a elated smile on my face.

Zak rolls his eyes playfully "I've called you that but anyways — I'd love to bring her around soon. She's also eager to meet you guys I think I talk about you guys maybe a little too much"

I laugh because I can imagine him blubbering on about us. "Her name?"

"Esme Runë with two dots on the e" Zak blushes as he says her name.

I can't help but admire my smitten brother because he's me when I think of Rafe Cameron.

I met Rafe about four weeks ago at this point in time of our tale, in one of those weeks we had about four dates. It was pretty sweeping. Fast, in the thralls of it. There was a moment I questioned if I should continue the relationship. Yet I couldn't shake the feeling of yearn in that period.

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When we arrive I see a car I know all to well, I run into his arms like my life depended on it. He was standing by his car, "Come hai resistito qui, questo caldo clima della Carolina del Nord mi sta già uccidendo" How have you been holding up here, this hot North Carolina climate is killing me already.

"Sono fantastico, come stai? Di chi è questa ragazza di cui continui a parlarmi?" I am great, how are you? Who is this girl you keep telling me about?

I stare at Giovanni in complete content. He greets Zak and as of right on cue his girlfriend gets out the car.

She's gorgeous, she has a energy that screams poise, grace. "Hello, my names Harlow Viotto"

"Hi, my names Aurora De Luca" I shake her hand.

"Would you guys like to come in for some refreshments?" I look at the pair they look at each other and nod in unison.

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