Chapter 12: Storage Room

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The next morning, Lin Xin came to the archives room early in the morning. She arranged the collected materials and news one by one, hoping to find a clue.

The clues I found in the past few days are too confusing, and I must think in a very calm state.

She sat alone in the archives room, her serious face was illuminated by the white light, she was so tenacious and swearing, she didn't want to give up, nor did she allow herself to give up.

She arranged the clues she got into the following.

Dead: Lu Hongyun

Suspects: Wu Shen, Zhang Jun, Xie Rong, Li Han, Xu Jing, Shang Donghai, Luo Yunbao

(As long as they were involved in the tragedy that year, Lin Xin listed them as suspects.)

Character Relationships:

Lu Hongyun (deceased): The bones were found in the playground. He was a biology teacher at a public education middle school. He had a relationship with a student and a teacher, but was later killed and buried.

Wu Shen (current principal): He was the vice principal of the year. He once admired Lu Hongyun. After the principal of Shang Donghai resigned, he was promoted to the current principal of the public education high school.

Zhang Jun (witness witness): He is twenty-five years old. He was the son of Xie Rong, the aunt of the canteen. He lived in the school dormitory for a period of time. According to confession, he met Lu Hongyun and an unknown man at the age of five. The tragedy of being killed has only gradually recovered his memory until today. Many days ago, he had stolen three hundred yuan in a public education middle school and was later detained in a detention center for one day.

Xie Rong (canteen auntie): She is Zhang Jun's mother. She worked in the canteen of a public education middle school. She was expelled because of a food poisoning incident. She lived with Zhang Jun in the workers' dormitory.

Li Han (Teacher of Public Education Middle School): Three hundred yuan was stolen many days ago. Later, after Zhang Jun paid back three hundred yuan, he settled down.

Xu Jing (unknown person): It was the person who sent money to Luo Yunbao's account, and had a relationship with Shangdong Pirates using school public funds.

Shang Donghai (former principal): Suspected of embezzling public funds, and trying to suppress Lu Hongyun's teacher-student relationship, he was forced to retire. He appeared in Lu Hongyun's old school building at night and was found to be combined with Lu Hongyun's hair. He is an orphan and his whereabouts are still unknown.

Luo Yunbao (protagonist in teacher-student relationship): According to a confession, he once accepted a sum of money to create a teacher-student relationship with Lu Hongyun, which was later proved to be false.

Lin Xin looked at the conclusion she had drawn before her eyes.

The skeleton was found.

Lu Hongyun's teacher-student love.

The combined hair in the old dormitory belonged to Lu Hongyun and Shang Donghai.

Canteen poisoning incident.

The misappropriation of public funds of the public education middle school proves that the teacher-student relationship is fake.

The unknown storage room and two men in Zhang Jun's confession were buried alive.

Seeing this, Lin Xin picked up a pen and included the unknown man in the relationship.

At this time, I was also hungry. I ate a biscuit casually when I went out this morning, so I felt hungry after a short while. Suddenly I miss the food Leng Yu brought to her last night, as well as the sandwich lunch box. Whenever I buy one, it can not only keep warm, but also bring it to the police station without the smell.

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