Chapter 51: Obsessed

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After Lin Xin and Yang Cong ate lunch in a hurry, they rushed back to the local police station. She had something to question Tang Jianhui, especially the news about his father's death.

When the two arrived in the interrogation room, Tang Jianhui was already sitting there. He stared at the white wall in front of him for an instant, seeming to broadcast his long history of sealing over and over again.

Chen Chong had been sitting in the interrogation room long ago, his eyes were firmly placed on Tang Jianhui, thinking of his cruel methods of torturing children, the original meek face ignited raging anger, but he tried his best to restrain it.

On the other hand, Tang Jianhui remained motionless, with no trace of emotion in his eyes.

Lin Xin sat next to Chen Chong, her eyes fixed on Tang Jianhui, she didn't seem to see herself when she saw the other party, and looked hollowly at the white wall behind them.

"No matter what you think in your mind, you cannot go back to the past, and then let your father stop the abuse of you. If someone could stop it at that time, it might change your destiny. Tang Jianhui, I am for your past I am deeply sorry and sorry, but you still shouldn't be a victim of your father." Lin Xin said slowly.

When she said this, she succeeded in attracting Tang Jianhui's attention. His originally godless eyes suddenly released a splendor, but it was a ray of hatred. He said: "The old man should have died. I let him live longer. For many years, it has been cheap for him."

There was a strong hatred in the words, but Lin Xin heard a trace of sadness.

Lin Xin said: "When you received the news that your father was sick, you rushed back to your hometown. During this period, you took the medicine in your father's food, right? But the amount of medicine you took was not much, which made his body grow every day. He was weak, and the disease would not get better, so it slowly poisoned him. Moreover, this kind of practice would not make people doubt, after all, people in the village would think that he died of illness, not you, right. wrong?"

Tang Jianhui glanced at Lin Xin and said coldly: "I waited for that day for a long time, and finally waited until he got sick. If I didn't feed the poison, he would die too. I just accelerated the time of death."

Lin Xin nodded, she was able to figure this out. However, it is not the most important thing to poison his father or not. After all, his father has been dead for so many years, and now the key is to get justice for the dead children.

"We have checked your background and we know that you have been abused by your father since you were a child. It has caused a certain degree of psychological damage and shadow to you, but the children you killed are innocent, do you know?" Lin Xin said.

Tang Jianhui sneered and said, "Most of these children were resold after their parents gave birth. Even if I didn't kill them, they would live their lives in a hurry because of the poverty of the family, which is not as good as me. It will end up to them soon, and this will save them less pain in the world."

"Bah! What kind of myth is this! Don't legalize your behavior, how can you have the power to kill your children like this! And, how can you bear to let these children suffer these pains, why are you abusing them!" Yang Cong shouted Said.

Tang Jianhui stood up suddenly and shouted to Yang Cong: "What do you know! Do you know what is pain?! Have you ever experienced it?! Do you know the suffering of being abused? You know that you have to face it every day when you get up. The pain of being beaten up? Do you know what it feels like when the person you love the most abuses you constantly and makes you live that frightening life all day long?! Do you know how he beats me? You know How helpless and hopeless I was then?"

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