Chapter 48: Incredible

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Yang Cong entered Tang Jianhui's home address into the navigation and ran away with Lin Xin. The car drove up to the highway, and the road was unobstructed. The dim yellow lights on the side of the road kept shining on their faces, but there was no softness.

Lin Xin stared at the front, her head could already predict what she would see when she came to Tang Jianhui's house later. Yang Cong, who was driving, was also unusually quiet. He pressed his lips tightly, his brows furrowed, and he was worried.

In the silent car, only the navigator's emotionless female voice guided them straight to the entered destination mechanically.

I don't know how long it took, the route the car was driving on became more remote, and there were more and more trees beside the road, which obscured the scattered street lights. The lights penetrated through the leaves and faintly shone on the road and their faces.

Sure enough, as Sun Junli said, there is a big lake here. Lin Xin looked out from the car window and saw that the lake was very calm. As the car passed the big lake, Lin Xin couldn't help thinking, what is hidden at the bottom of such a big lake?

It is so unfathomable and so dangerous.

It's as if the community they are in at the moment seems to be so peaceful, but is the community like this lake, seemingly peaceful, but in fact there are hidden secrets in it?

After a while, Yang Cong parked the car under a tree, which was about a hundred steps away from the villa displayed by the navigation. He turned off the engine, pinned the gun to his waist, and made sufficient preparations.

Lin Xin looked out the window and saw a crescent moon hung in the sky, just like the birthmark on the child's arm in the hospital morgue just now.

She said: "Onion, I have an ominous premonition."

Yang Cong turned her head to stare at her, and asked, "Sister Lin, what do you think Tang Jianhui is doing right now?"

Lin Xin shook her head and said, "I'm not sure, but it won't be a good thing. I wonder if he has completed his work, or is in progress..."

Yang Cong looked at the mansion a hundred steps away. The white walls and black roof looked a little gloomy and weird.

Lin Xin said: "Let's go take a look."

The two got out of the car and approached the mansion with extreme caution. They saw a dim yellow light flashing in one of the windows.

Yang Cong walked in front of Lin Xin, they came to the gate of the mansion, rang the doorbell, and then put their right hand on the gun on their waist, fully guarded.

However, after waiting for a while, no one came to open the door.

So Yang Cong rang the doorbell again.

Still no one came to open the door.

When Yang Cong wanted to press the doorbell again, the door opened from the inside, and then a figure of a man appeared in front of them.

I saw the man wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses on his face. He saw Lin Xin and Yang Cong, with a slightly surprised look on their faces, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Lin Xin recognized that this person was Tang Jianhui who she searched on the Internet at a glance. It seems that they did not find the wrong person.

Yang Cong said, "Is this Tang Jianhui's residence? We are a police officer from the Federal Bureau. We want to ask him about a serial murder."

The man's face was calm and said, "I'm sorry, the person you are looking for no longer lives here."

Lin Xin said sharply, "Tang Jianhui, do you think you lied to us?"

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