Chapter 93: Oh it's you

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After seeing the letters of the paper, the three of them sat aside and thought hard. Leng Yu frowned and continued to spell out the letters, but what did the 2 number represent?

At this time, Officer Lu's cell phone rang. He took out his cell phone and took a look. He was a little confused when he saw a bunch of unfamiliar numbers. After picking up, he heard a few words from the other side, and he was shocked.

At this moment, Leng Yu and Lin Xin both yelled at the paper laid out in front of them by their own graffiti: "So it's you!"

It's just that one of them was excited, and one of them looked like frost.

After Police Officer Lu closed the phone, his face was horrified. He walked to their side, glanced at their paper, sighed, and said, "It really is you."

The three of them stood in the small room, looking at each other, and they all saw the real murderer in each other's eyes.

At 8:30 in the evening, in the living room of a large mansion, a man was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a mobile phone in his hand. He had just called someone.

Just after he hung up the phone, his face was blank, pain, resentment, consternation, and at a loss, he guessed right. It's not so much that he guessed right, it's better to say that he already knew it. But when the truth appeared before his eyes, he still couldn't accept it.

If he could be more careful, then the sister Yang he admired would not experience such a tragic situation. If he hadn't been on a business trip that day, wouldn't she have made such a big mistake?

That is a life.

On the day when he learned about Yang Liqing's murder, he had long suspected going to her, otherwise he would not delay Officer Lin's time in the hospital cafeteria.

He wanted to find out everything himself before the police arrested her. However, now the truth lies before him, what should he do, and after struggling for half an hour, he called Police Officer Lu.

"Inspector Lu, please send someone to Zhao's house now, I know who is the real murderer." This is what he said to Officer Lu.

As he was sitting in the dim living room, the door of the living room was opened. Zhao Jiajun raised his eyes to look at the person who walked in, and asked hoarsely: "Are you back?"

Zhao Jiajing heard his words with some indistinct choking, frowning and asked: "Brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you coming back so early?"

Zhao Jiajun stared closely at her eyes, saw that she was the same as usual, looked at a bag in her hand, and asked: "Did you buy mom's medicine?"

Zhao Jiajing glanced at the bag in her hand, and said, "Brother told me to buy it, so I went to the hospital."

At this moment, he stood up from the sofa, held a small red notebook in his hand, handed it to Zhao Jiajing, and said, "Take it."

Zhao Jiajing looked at the little red notebook with a look of surprise on her face, and asked, "Where did you find it?" There was a trace of defense in her eyes for an instant.

Zhao Jiajun's eyes did not let go of any expression on his sister's face. He said: "When you went to Fangshi Yang Liqing's villa, you missed it."

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Zhao Jiajing took a step back.

When Zhao Jiajun saw her step back, he did not step forward, but said coldly: "You left Dongshi in a hurry that night and when you flew to Fangshi, you missed the passport you carried with you. I asked Zhang Ma to keep it for you. NS."

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