Chapter 32: Take poison

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Lin Xin drove Leng Yu downstairs to the apartment. Before Leng Yu got out of the car, she said to her, "Remember not to get water for your wound."

Leng Yu gave a soft "um".

Lin Xin said again: "Also, you have to refrain from eating those irritating foods, if you want your left arm."

Leng Yu responded again.

Before Lin Xin could speak, Leng Yu smiled and asked, "Officer Lin, you haven't finished talking yet?"

"That's it. Okay, you can get out of the car." Lin Xin said ruthlessly.

Leng Yu pursed her lips and smiled.

She didn't know if she was suitable to do this, but she didn't want to waste Friday night, so she asked: "Officer Lin, the night is still long, should you go upstairs and sit down?"

Lin Xin was stunned for a moment. This was the first time Leng Yu invited herself to her home. He had never been before.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Leng Yu thought she was unwilling, and there was a trace of loss in her eyes, so she opened the car door to get off the car.

When Lin Xin saw that she was leaving, she said, "Okay!"

Leng Yu lives on the fifth floor of the apartment. When the elevator went up, they stood side by side, but they kept a short distance, and no one talked, which was a bit embarrassing compared to when they had dinner in the hospital just now.

In the narrow space, the two people breathed slightly. Leng Yu deliberately lowered his head, and the light from the corner of his eyes was always watching Lin Xin. Seeing her eyes were looking straight ahead, she didn't give herself half a look.

In fact, what Leng Yu didn't know was that Lin Xin was a little anxious at the moment. It was not the first time she went to someone's house, but this person was Leng Yu.

A person who didn't look right to her before, it can be said that she didn't look right to her since she was a child.

But tonight, it felt like something was stuck in her chest, but she couldn't tell how it felt. Maybe it's because I didn't like this person for a long time, and now I think of her as a friend, so I'm not used to it for a while.

After thinking about this level, she suppressed the strange feeling that had risen again.

When Leng Yu opened the door and let Lin Xin in, he closed the door and turned on the light switch by the way.

The light illuminates the living room. Lin Xin saw a fighting sandbag next to the living room at a glance, and asked, "You also bought a sandbag specially?"

Leng Yu turned his head and looked over, then walked to her side, and said, "Well, it is there, at least it can drive away the boredom in my heart."

Since the two were a little close, when Lin Xin turned around to ask her what was bothering her, she accidentally ran into her arms. Although it was just a light bump, Leng Yu had a wound on her arm. Even if she didn't touch it, it would have affected the wound. She hummed softly.

Lin Xin immediately pushed her to sit on the sofa when she saw it, and said, "If you have an injury on your arm, don't walk around and sit down."

Commanding tone.

Leng Yu sat on the sofa and looked up to see her, only to see that she had walked into the kitchen by herself. Only a voice came from there: "Sit down and I will pour you a glass of water."

Just like your own home.

Leng Yu looked at the back of her pouring water, as if she was the hostess of the house. When thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on her face.

MTL_Talk About The Case  GL (MTL) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora