Chapter 35: Secluded riverside

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A few days later, Leng Yu came to Dongfang Hospital according to Dr. Cheng's instructions, but this time she came by herself, without the company of that person by her side.

When she stepped into the hospital again, she felt very different. Before, even if she came to the hospital, she could still smell a hint of sweet bubbles in the strong smell of potion, but now. . .

She smelled the strong potion smell, and the sweet pink bubbles had turned into a sourness a few days ago.

The one who took care of her didn't accompany her anymore.

It's ridiculous to say that I still rejected her by myself.

After Leng Yu hung up, she noticed that Miss Nurse seemed to be looking at her with strange eyes from the corner of her eyes. Although she wasn't blatant, she still felt the difference, and she didn't know whether it was she was over-hearted, or they were really curious about their relationship with Officer Lin.

A few days ago, when she came with Lin Xin, the eyes of Miss Nurse was hidden with envy and jealousy.

At this moment, she was alone, and Miss Nurse's eyes seemed to be sneered.

Leng Yu sat aside and waited, ignoring the seemingly non-existent eyes next to him, but quietly took out the phone to search for news.

As she waited quietly, the door of the outpatient room in front of her opened, and a nurse inside called her. Leng Yu put away the phone and walked slowly into the outpatient room.

When she walked in, it was not Dr. Cheng who was sitting there, but another doctor she had never seen. Leng Yu quickly glanced at the doctor's name tag, which read "Tang Jianhui".

When Dr. Tang saw Leng Yu, a smiling face hung on his face. He said, "I looked at your medical record and it was a stab wound, right?"

Leng Yu looked at his friendly smiling face and said, "Well. I am here today because I was ordered by Doctor Cheng to remove the stitches."

Doctor Tang looked down at her medical record and said, "Dr. Cheng is not here today. He has gone back to his hometown. So, I will hand you over to me."

Leng Yu frowned. Why did the doctor speak a little frivolously. Although he seemed to be close to forty years old, he lacked the calmness he should have.

Leng Yu hasn't spoken consistently, her whole body exudes a strong coldness, and no one is allowed to approach her. Tang Jianhui seemed to be aware of it, so he narrowed his smile and took the thread apart for her.

Tang Jianhui's technique is not bad, at least during the stitch removal process, Leng Yu didn't suffer much pain, and the speed was also very fast, which made her slightly suppress the dissatisfaction in her heart.

When everything was done, it was almost lunch time, Leng Yu nodded to Dr. Tang and thanked him, and then left.

"Miss Leng wait."

A call rang from behind Leng Yu, and Dr. Tang closed the door and walked towards her.

Leng Yu raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is there anything else Doctor Tang?"

Tang Jianhui raised a messy smile, he walked to Leng Yu's side, and said, "It's lunch time, shall we have a meal together?"

Leng Yu looked at him indifferently and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not free."

Seeing her walk a few steps, Tang Jianhui chased after her and said, "It's only an hour, and it won't delay you for too long."

At this time, Leng Yu once again passed the pediatric department that came with Lin Xin a few days ago. She ignored Dr. Tang next to her and watched the children play around. Several of them were sitting on the ground seriously doing puzzles.

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