Chapter 57: This is not an accident

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With this shout, a small group of villagers rushed out of the woods because of the shout. Even the brave young people stepped back because of the shout, away from the coffin.

Everyone gathered around and looked at each other. They all saw panic from each other's faces. The timid villagers shivered and their faces were pale because of the sudden appearance of the coffin and scorched corpses.

Except for the bugs that can be heard all the time, the whole forest was quietly around. Although there were more than 20 villagers there, no one dared to speak first.

In such a secret wood, no one can guess how this coffin and charred corpse appeared here, nor can it imagine that such a shocking thing would happen in a village that has lived for so many years.

The sound of the wind slapped the leaves in the woods to rustle, which made people feel cold, and also awakened everyone's sanity.

Everything found in the woods is not a coincidence, nor is it likely to be suicide. It is most likely a murder with premeditated. Although the villagers are simple, everyone knows that this kind of thing is unusual, and it is impossible to just let it be buried in the ground.

"This matter must be told to the village chief, let him decide." One of the villagers said.

As soon as this sentence was uttered, everyone began to talk again, and people's voices appeared again in the silent woods.

At this time, Xiaocheng hid behind his father, clutching his father's arm tightly. As for what he saw today, he was only ten years old and was shocked and at a loss.

Until the villagers left, Xiao Cheng was frightened. Although he received the condolences from the villagers, it still caused a lot of psychological shadow. In the future, he may not dare to dig the soil easily, and dare not run alone until no one is alone. Place to play.

After the police station in Qin City received the report from the village chief, Officer Song Yuan Song brought a number of police officers to the scene to investigate and collect some important evidence.

The police sealed off the scene, and the villagers could only stand and watch from afar, and no one could approach it.

Song Yuan frowned. He said to one of the police officers: "Check to see if there are any suspicious things around the forest, such as footprints, murder weapons, etc."

After the officer nodded in agreement, he walked into the woods and looked around.

Song Yuan walked back and forth at the scene of the crime, constantly thinking about any suspicious people who appeared in this town recently. He looked down at his feet and saw that the ground was wet.

The sun rose and the snow on the ground melted. He thought that there were really any footprints before, and they had already been washed away by noon, and it was unlikely that they would leave traces.

He sighed deeply.

Sure enough, his guess was correct. Several police officers reported that they could not find the slightest footprint, and even the murder weapon could not be found. They did not know whether the deceased was burned alive or killed in other places before being transported here for burial. .

"Have you not found any hard objects such as rocks?" Song Yuan asked.

"Officer Song, apart from some small stones and sand, we couldn't find any stones or hard objects that could be used as murder weapons. However, we found a match at the scene."

The police officer handed Song Yuan the match he found.

Song Yuan took the match and checked it carefully, and saw that the head of the match had been burnt to black. It was just a match that was too ordinary to be ordinary, and there was nothing special about it.

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