Chapter 54: Blind date

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Lin Xin watched Leng Yu sitting next to her, her heart throbbing wildly, she suppressed it forcibly, and from time to time she lifted the wine bottle and poured it out, trying to suppress the strange feelings that ran around in her heart.

When she finally calmed down, she was already in a cold sweat on her back. Lin Xin was the only one who experienced the sweat in the winter.

Leng Yu sat aside and watched with cold eyes, a little surprised at Lin Xin's sudden act of pouring wine. It is not the first time that she has wiped away food residues or wine stains from the corners of Lin Xin's mouth. She has done this before, but today Lin Xin's attitude is a little abnormal.

When Lin Xin drank a bottle of wine, she raised her right hand again and called the bartender for a second bottle, the hand that had not been raised was intercepted by Leng Yu coldly, and her hand was gently pressed against the back of Lin Xin's hand. I can feel the warmth on the back of my hand.

Lin Xin's whole body stiffened, and her heart beaten fiercely again after she finally calmed down. She didn't understand a bit. She had physical contact with her before, and she didn't feel anything at that time. Why is it different today?

She felt that Leng Yu's hands were so warm. .

"Don't drink it." Leng Yu's voice reached Lin Xin's ears.

Even her voice became so gentle. .

Lin Xin felt that she was sick, and she was still very sick. No matter what people around her do, she will be obsessed, blushing, heartbeat, and hot all over.

She swallowed subconsciously, then took out her hand and gently touched her cheek, even her face was constantly radiating heat.

It's over.

That dream made her sick.

The torture made her miserable.

Leng Yu saw that there was a flush on Lin Xin's face and thought she was ill. He raised his hand and gently stroked her forehead. Seeing that it was a little hot there, he asked concerned: "Are you uncomfortable?"

Lin Xin turned her head to look at her, slammed into Leng Yu's dark and bright eyes, and fell completely.

How did those eyes become so attractive?

She felt that no matter what Leng Yu was doing, she felt that she was seducing herself.

Lin Xin took a deep breath.

It's not easy to stay here for a long time. She shook her head and said, "No, it's a little tired. I want to go back."

She took out the money and put it on the wine table, not daring to look at Leng Yu again, and walked out of the bar with her foot raised.

Leng Yu was a little confused by her behavior. She saw that the money Lin Xin put down on the wine table was just enough to repay the two bottles of wine they ordered, and she also walked out of the bar and caught up with Lin Xin.

"Are you okay?" Leng Yu asked her caringly as he walked.

"I'm fine." Lin Xin replied.

How could it be okay.

Her heart became a mess. When she looked at Leng Yu's eyes just now, the light from the corner of her eyes swept her thin lips at the same time, and she actually had the urge to kiss her.

Leng Yu walked by her, paying attention to Lin Xin's expression from time to time. Seeing her with a bitter face, thinking that she was really sick, he said: "There is a 24-hour clinic nearby. I will take you there. have a look?"

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