Chapter 2

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CREDIT TO Tootsierollyumyum for story ideas! She is AWESOME, so go check her out asap!


Ralph finally caught up to Vanellope, and frowned when he saw her shock. "What? You don't like it?"

"I...I don't know," Vanellope said, "I'm...kinda suprised, I guess."

"I gotta get back to my game, cuz the arcade opens in a few minutes, so you should probably wait for me at the end of the day before going in alone." Ralph turned around. "See ya later, kid."

Vanellope didn't watch him go, instead, she stared ahead at the letters. Sugar Rush. The same as her game...but it was followed by a 2.

She wanted to go in alone, scope out the game, but Ralph had told her to wait, and she tusted his judgment. Mostly. She turned away, and multiple characters were slowly making thier way to thier games as the announcement came on over the intercom, "Arcade opens in 5 minutes..."

Vanellope decided to go back to her game as well, even if she wasn't racing, and watch until the end of the day.

She stepped inside, and the familiar aroma of candy enveloped her. She sniffed deeply, and smiled. How exciting! A new game, based off of her game! She wondered if it would have duplicates of her and the other racers, or would there be other, new characters to meet? Vannelope skipped off to tell the others.

As she approached the starting line, she saw a few of the familiar faces turn toward her and wave. She skipped over the side of the track and ran to them, grinning.

"Guys, guys! There's a new game in the arcade!" She cried.

The racers who hadn't been coming closer were making thier way to her now, eyes bright and excited. Whispers filtered through them, "a new game?" "What kind of game?" "Woah, sweet!" "Been a while since THAT has happened..." "I wanna see!"

Then a ding sounded, and the annoucer's voice rang over them, "Quarter inserted!"

Vanellope raced to get off the track, and the other racers jumped and ran to thier karts.

The voice boomed, "Choose your racer!" And each character lit up and did a pose as they were chosen. It was a two player race, Player one had chosen Adorabeezle Winterpuff, and Player two Swizzle Melarky. Vannelope smiled. They were rarely chosen, so she was happy for them.

The race started, and they shot off, the racers all grabbing power ups except for Player 2.

Vannelope could tell they were all excited, because those racers not controlled by Players would drift left or right, distracted by something. She could also tell that the Players had chosen the Easy setting, as the racers were forced to slow down if they got too far ahead of the Players, and the power ups were more powerful than normal.

Once the players were out of sight, Vanellope watched on the screen. Most racers, when not on the roster for racing, stayed home. Vanellope however, loved the thrill of racing so much that she almost always was here, watching.

Soon enough, the racers came speeding around the corner, Player 2 in second place, and Player 1 in fourth. They raced across the finish line, and Vanellope cheered along with the citizens in the stands. Player 2 was rewarded with a second place trophy, but Player 1 got nothing. Vannelope smiled as the game reset itself, and another quarter was inserted almost instantly.

Ever since she'd joined the roster, and King Candy had dissappeared, the Players had been on the lookout for both her and him. Most noticed that she raced in his car, and many of them suggeted that she had replaced him. She tried to avoid racing every now and then, but when she did race, boy, did Players flock to the game. She was always played, because there were still Players out there who had never played her before.

Rosters were not picked by races anymore, but by volunteering. If a racer had something to do that day, they didn't have to volunteer. Vanellope hadn't felt like racing today, however, so she didn't volunteer.

At the end of the day, the arcade had closed, and the racers exited thier karts, hair tossed and eyes still wild with the rush of racing.

The first words from their mouths were, "Lets go see that new game!"

So, Vannelope led them out of their game and towards the new outlet. Multiple voices murmered and whispered, the girls giggled. Ralph was already waiting for her there, and she could tell he was unhappy with all the others coming along, but he smiled when he saw her and offered a fistbump. She jumped up and took it, and said, "Been waiting all day! C'mon, lets go in!"

Ralph led the way, the train into the game the same as the one into hers, just with different colors. Vannelope's heart raced as they got deeper into the game, the scent of candy wafting through the tunnel and a light greenish glow coming from the end.

She jumped up and down next to Ralph, and squealed a bit.

"Sugar Rush 2, you guys! Sugar Rush 2!!!"

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