Chapter 11

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Whoop whoop!!! Dont forget TootsieRollYumYum!!!

Just a few more chapters! Open to ending ideas! >:3 Also, if anything in this chapter confuses you, ask, and I'll explain. K, bye! Read on!


When the last racer had disappeared in a flash of pixels and sugar dust, the group pushed forward. "Where would Turbo hide to escape us?" Felix asked.

Sour Gum spoke up from behind them, "maybe the castle? It's the last place we'd think to look, because it's obvious, right?"

"Good thinking, sour shoes, lets go!" Calhoun led the way, shooting at various racers that stumbled from the bushes after respawning.

"How are we gonna beat him, Vanellope?" She turned her head to see who had spoken. Peppermark ran with her, his steps matching hers. She smiled, saying easily, "the same way we did last time. We'll outsmart him."

"But...I thought you said last time he was...devoured by a cybug?" Peppermark blinked. "How will this time be anything like that?"

"Well, last time, he took over after the cybug...ate him. He used the power to try and infect the entire arcade."

"Vanellope, that doesn't make any sense. The Cybug took over everytime it ate something, like you told me."

Vanellope frowned, "explain what you mean."

", when it ate Ralph's gun, and it incorporated that into it. Or the candy bugs. Also, why would Calhoun shoot at the cybug that ate her spouse if it was going to turn into him?"

Vanellope slowed a bit, and Peppermark slowed to match her. " saying that...Turbo..." she stopped, and he stopped as well. "Turbo wasn't in control."

The others continued on, but Ralph glanced back and saw the two standing on the path. "C'mon, guys, lets get going!"

Vanellope glanced around, then shouted, "Ralph! Wait up!" She dashed over, and Peppermark followed. "Ralph, listen! Ralph!"

He glanced back, "what, kid, what?"

"I think we made a mistake. A huge one." She said. Just as he was about to ask what, they came across the castle road. The castle loomed above them, and they finally slowed thier pace.

"Guys, guys, let's talk about this, shall we?" Vanellope rushed to the front of the group, and walked backwards, so that she faced them while talking. She told them all about Turbo the Cybug, and Calhoun stiffened at the mention on her first love. It was true, however. If he would have somehow been able to control the cybug, then she wouldn't have shot her lover.

The cybug had entire control.

That meant Turbo wasn't in control.

The group had reached the castle doors, large, smooth, green sour candies. Ralph asked, "then why on earth wouldn't he let you race?"

"Because his code would be ruined, remember? I don't think he was worried about being discovered, so much as having to rewrite the code."

"Didn't you say that without our wires, we could be killed without respawning?" Pepermark asked again, and Vanellope nodded. "So...does that mean...back in the fungeon, he could have killed you instead of trapped you?"

The entire group looked to Vanellope, who sighed, looking down. "I'd thought that before, but...maybe he isn't as evil as we thought he was..."

At that exact moment, Sour Gum spoke up, exploding out the words, "Turbo's in the code" before going silent. The group then shifted to look at him. "I...he told me if I led you guys away he'd get in and...and fix everything. Maybe this 'good streak' of his will hold out, and he'll actually fix us," he said.

"You idiot!" Calhoun spat, and Ralph said, "do you have any idea what you've done?!"

"Maybe Turbo wasn't evil before, but we failed to realize that until too late. Now he wants me dead." Vanellope said, her voice cracking on the word "me."

"You handed him your world on a silver plate," Felix said.

Sour Gum gasped, "no,, maybe we just...overlooked something..."

The ground began to shake, and the horizon changed, shifing to reveal a pixelated picture of Turbo in his famous TurboTastic pose. It quickly formatted, a clearer Tubo showing up. He laughed.

The wind changed, picking up the small sprinkles on the ground, the empty wrappers from peppermints and warheads. Thunder clapped, but there were no clouds. The clear blue sky turned into one of orange and fire and death, the copper glow reflecting off of the large sour lollipop trees.

"How sad the arcade will be without the Sugar Rush Saga to race in!" He hissed. "Sour Gum, you're a fool." Sour Gum was lifted by his arms, and he squealed.

"Ach! Put me down!" He shouted, struggling and kicking.

"Sorry, kingy, but I'm done playing games." Turbo clenched his fist, and He stopped talking, his entire body wracking in pain. Peppermark rushed over, shouting for his father.

Vanelope followed him, calling out, "Turbo, stop! This isn't what you want!"

Turbo shifted his yellow gaze to her, and said, "you're right, Vanellope. You're absolutely right. All I want is a place to call home. Excuse me for thinking a racing game would be perfect." He clenched harder, and Sour Gum began to turn blue. He gasped and coughed, but air wouldn't go in. He began to lose strength, Peppermark grabbing at his dangling, barely kicking legs and crying.

The others tried to step forward, but an invisible force held them back, no matter how they punched or shot or kicked it. Ralph called out to her, but she ignored him.

"Turbo, we were wrong about you, but think what your doing! This is...this is killing someone! This is murder!" She shouted.

Turbo looked back to Sour Gum, his eyes half shut and his body limp. Peppermark had tears streaming as he screamed his fathers name. He looked back to Vanellope, his gaze shifting to an unreadable nuetral.

She blinked, and he was gone. The harsh winds stopped, Sour Gum dropped, barely alive but breathing, and Peppermark hugged him, calling to the others for help.

They rushed forward, the barriers gone, and Turbo was gone from the horizon. As everyone leaned over Sour Gum, Vanellope rushed off toward the entrance of the code.

Ralph caught her leaving out of the corner of his eye, but by the time he called for her, she had leapt into the bushes and dissappeared.

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