Chapter 6

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Credit to TootsieRollYumYum for ALOT of the ideas for his story, and a few of the characters as well! She's an amazing person, and I'd wish you'd check her out!


Ralph had gone to collect the others, starting at his game with Felix. He patiently rode in the train, tapping his foot, then rushed twards the buidling, calling for Felix.

Some of the nice landers poked thier heads out of the windows, curious, and Felix came out the front doors in seconds, swinging his hammer around.

"Ralph? What seems to be the problem?"

"Felix, Turbo is back."

"Turbo? But I thought he perished in the diet cola mountain thing...?" Felix pocketed his hammer.

"Yeah, so did we, but upon visiting the new game, we found a little guy named Peppermark, who, get this, is a glitch."

"Well, glitches happen sometimes...what game is it?"

Ralph frowned, "Sugar Rush 2."

"Jimeny really think Turbo is behind this?"

"Yeah, ask King Sour Gum."

Felix nodded, "then theres no time to waste. Let's get Calhoun and go."

Ralph nodded and turned, both of them rushing to the train.

Back in Sugar Rush 2, Vanellope had waited near the entrance for a long time, and finally, she just sighed. "What's taking those bone heads so long?" She wondered aloud.


A familiar voice called out to her, and a second later a face appeared from the sour lollipop bushes in front of her.

"Sour Gum." Vanellope scowled at him, spitting the words like acid.

Sour Gum looked suprised, "wait, what?"

"Don't think we don't know who you really are, Gum, we're onto you!" She shouted. She knew she should just keep her mouth shut, but, well, she wasn't very good at that. "You dirty liar! You're a cheat!"

"Vanellope, what in the name of gobstoppers is happening?" He stepped forward, and Vanellope screeched, "NO!!! Get away from me!!!"

She jumped up and fell backwards over her gumdrop seat. She quickly scrambled to her feet, all the while glaring at him.

"Hey, woah woah, okay, what's going on...? Are you okay?" Sour Gum stepped back, but his eyes showed hurt. "What's happened? Why are you...scared of me?"

"As if you don't know.." Vanellope turned and ran, leaving Sour Gum to look after her and frown.

She made her way up the road leading to the exit just as Calhoun led the others in. "Hey, sugar, heard you had some trouble," she said to Vanellope, smiling a bit.

"Thank sweets you're here...King Sour Gum is right through there-"

But she didn't have to point, because Sour Gum had followed her out, and was now staring in shock at the collection of characters in his game. "What the...?"

"That him?" Calhoun raised her gun, scowling.

Ralph stepped forward and nodded.

Sour Gum's eyes went wide and his mouth snapped shut. He was going to say something, but the words seemed to have been sucked out of him.

"R...Ralph, was it? Vanellope whats going on-"

He didn't get to finish, Felix jumped behind him, and Sour Gum fell for the bait, turning to watch him while Calhoun ran up and tripped him.

"OOF!" he hit the ground and in two seconds Calhoun had him upside down in her hand. "Hey hey HEY! What's going on, here...?"

Vanellope spoke up, "I've been doing some thinking, Sour Gum...or should we call you Turbo? Which do you prefer?"

"T...Turbo...?" He sounded honestly suprised, but Vanellope wasn't falling for it.

"Yeah, you dingus, Turbo, evil Turbo, the one who ruined my game?"

"But...what does that have to do with me...."

"Shut up and listen, pint size." Calhoun said, giving him a shake that shut him up.

"ANYway...I've been doing some thinking...and I just wanna did you program yourself into the game?"


"The GAME, you retard! How did you make yourself a part of Sugar Rush?!"

King Sour Gum closed his eyes, sighing and saying, "I really have no idea what you're talking about..."

Calhoun raised him to look her in the eyes, and his face scrunched in fear. "Alright listen up and listen good, pal,"

She paused to drop him and let him catch himself, then continued. "Do you know what happens if you die outside your game?"

"Sour Gum looked to each of them from his sitting position on the ground. He shook his head.

"It means you don't respawn, you don't come back, you don't live anymore." Ralph said.

"Exactly, and guess where I'm gonna put a bullet if you don't start talking right now," Calhoun said, shifting her gun.

"Wait, okay, that's enough!"

Everyone stopped and looked to Felix, who had just spoken, "Guys, look at him. He's terrified. I don't think this is actually Turbo."

"Felix, that's ridiculous!" Vanellope said, "of course he's Turbo! Have you met Peppermark?"

"Peppermark...?!" Sour Gum spoke up. His eyes widened and all attention shifted to him. " say peppermark?!" He stood up and laughed, "you met him?! He's alive?!"

Vanellope scowled. "Yeah, he's alive, what's it to you?"

"Vanellope...Peppermark was my son!"

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