Chapter 5

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TootsieRollYumYum. Go to her. She created some of the new characters for WIR2, so credit to her!!!!!!


Vanellope had enough sense to wait until the arcade closed before racing to get Ralph, so she decided to stay with Peppermark.

"How in the world have you not found out you are a glitch yet?" Vanellope sat on a green joly rancher, Peppermark on a purple.

"I...I haven't left the game yet. And..I haven't r-raced yet." A glitch passes through him, and he gasps. "What the heck...?"

"Yep," Vanellope nodded, "that happens when you get emotional."

Peopermark scoffed, "What? I'm not getting emotional...I'm perfectly f-f-" Another glitch, and he looked at himself in horror. "Vanellope, what's happening to me?!"

Vanellope smiled in sympathy. "Peppermark, calm down, bud, it's gonna be alright." Her smile slowly faded. "Where do you live?"

"Well...everyone got a house, right? And, their names on the mailboxes, right? Well, of course we all woke up knowing our names, but I couldn't find mine anywhere." Peppermark shifted his feet on the ground, "I felt stupid...after everyone had found thier home, I'd been on my third round looking for my house. People were racing, and I was still searching."

"And did you ever find your house?"


"Then where the heck do ya live?"

Peppermark grinned, "With Callie Cottoncandy."

Vanellope looked at him, smiling, ignorant. She knew what would happen. Soon King Sour Gum, or as she was starting to see him, Turbo, would convince the racers that a glitch was a bad thing, and that he should be shunned...and that he shouldn't race.

"Peppermark, you know who Turbo is?"

* * *

Ralph came as soon as he'd heard. "I knew it, I KNEW it!" He roared.

"Ralph, dude, calm your beans, we gotta think this through,"Vanellope said. "Turbo wouldn't hit the same game, right? Especially the sequel...that would be like, wow, blow up in your face trap."

"Yeah, well you got any other explanations? "

"So, let me get this straight," Peppermark interjected. He had led all three of them to Callie CottonCandy's house, where they had begun to plot and wonder. "Turbo is a psycho who wants to take over the arcade?"

"Yeah, but we thought he'd died in the Diet Cola mountain explosion." Ralph said.

"But...if he programmed himself into the game and connected himself to it, then...wouldn't he respawn like a normal gamer?" Peppermark asked. " said you didn't reset the game until after he died, so...he could have escaped?"

"Oh, spice balls..." Vanellope flopped down on a nearby couch. "This is so stupid! Why would Turbo go for another Sugar Rush game?"

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that we get the group and go up to the castle. We have to get Peppermark here his rightful place in the game back." Ralph stood a little taller. "I'll get Felix, and he'll get Calhoun. We need to deal with this today."

Vanellope nodded and Ralph left.

She sighed loudly, and shook her head, slumping further into her seat.

Peppermark looked at her, worried. "Uh...Vanellope?"

"What, Peppermark."

"Did...well, what did Turbo do that was so bad, anyway?"

Vanellope straightened a bit and took a deep breath. "I'll tell you what that candy crushing son of a gum drop did...he went into my game, and reprogrammed my world, putting his face on everything and turning me into a glitch. My game had a safe proof built in, though, if the main person of the game raced and crossed the finish line, then the game could reset if it had been tampered with. So I did. I raced him, and I won. I got my game back.

He's a psychopath with no wish but to control the arcade! Once that cybug took him..." Vanellope let her words trail off.

"Cybug...?" Peppermark asked.

"Yeah, cybugs. They only have one wish, to infect every game like some kind of virus."

"So, you could say that thier purpose is to...take over the whole arcade...?" Peppermark had his eyes wide open, calculating.

Vanellope frowned at him, "yeah? What's your point?"

"Vanellope, what if it wasn't Turbo trying to take over the arcade, but the cybug that controlled him...?" Peppermark leaned forward in his seat. Vanellope scowled. "It makes, what if-"

"Shut up, Peppermark."

"But Vanellope, what if Turbo wasn't evil? What if-"

"I said shut up!" Vanellope jumped up and curled her hands into fists. "Turbo was the worst thing that's ever happened to me, and I will never, ever believe that he wasn't evil! I don't care how much evidence there is that he wasn't!"

Peppermark flinched away, but added, "so...but that means you've thought of it before, since you know there's evidence...?"

Vanellope stood taller. "You don't get it, do you? I can't forgive him for what he's done, Peppermark. I can't." Vanellope turned and left the house, Peppermark calling after her, "Hey, wait! Aren't we gonna wait for Ralph and the others?"

Vanellope kept walking. She could wait near the entrance. She just needed some alone time.

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