Chapter 10

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Hey, loyal readers! You know those characters I keep mentioning TootsieRollYumYum created? Well, here they are! Credit to her for these wonderful names and thanks to her imagination! I've tried to create names for WIR sugar rush characters...I came up wih King Sour Gum and Peppermark (which is Peppermint and Mark, by the way). All other names belong to Disney and TootsieRollYumYum! Go check her out.


As they ran down the darkened corridors towards the outside world, Peppermark caught up to Vanellope and apologized. "I couldn't control myself, and...and I tried, but the best I could do was lower my arms, like some kind of wimp."

"Hey, you tried, at least, and you resisted your code, so thats cool." She gave him a smile, "cheer up, bud, we'll catch this loser and put an end to this!"

She rushed on ahead, glitching ahead of the others, and Peppermark followed, testing out his new abilities and glitching to catch up to her. She reached the doors and he soon followed, a smile on his face. The rest rounded the last corner, and as they neared Vanellope opened the doors.

"Sweet mother of gumdrops..." Sour Gum whispered. Standing outside were all the citizens of Sugar Rush 2, standing in a half circle around the entrance, red eyes gleaming.

"Hey, uh, Vanellope, when Turbo said we dont respawn if our boxes aren't connected...does that mean my father and I...can die without coming back now?" Peppermark asked. Vanellope looked to him sadly, and she nodded.

Peppermark groaned, just as the people in front of them started talking.

"Sorry, guys, but we can't let you ruin Turbo's world."

"Turbo's controlling all of them!" Sour Gum cried, his eyes darting to each sunken, expressionless face. "Danny Drizzle!" He called, and boy from the crowd with brown hair and a frosting drizzle on his racing outfit looked to him.

"They can hear us?" Felix asked, and Peppermark shouted, "Danny, step forward! Break from the group!"

Danny began to struggle, quick spasms passing over him, his eyes shifting from red to brown to red again. His foot twitched, and he was still. The group spoke in unison again.

"You cant save them. They're under my control now. Don't try to stop them, soon the arcade will open, and they need to race or thier game will be unplugged, you know that."

Vanellope sighed, "it's true, if players come to the game and there are no racers, the game will be considered out of order."

"Well we cant just stand here and do nothing," Calhoun said, and she pointed her gun to the nearest racer. Thier face remained unknowing and blank.

"No! Don't shoot my subjects!" Sour Gum pushed his way to her and pushed the gun away.

"Your subjects are now under the control of a psychopath and could attack at any moment!" She countered.

"Look at them, what harm could they possibly do?"

It was true, the slack jawed children didn't look dangerous, just sad, and Calhoun lowered her gun.

"Please, guys, just leave the game." They spoke again. "I don't want to hurt you guys, I just want somewhere to stay. Sugar Rush was a blowout, but this is my second chance. I'm not letting it go down like this."

"Oh yes you are," Ralph said, walking forward and scooting the children aside. "C'mon guys."

Suddenly, the kid closets to him, a little girl with a lemon hat and bright yellow clothes clicked and leapt onto his arm, grabbing him and holding on. He yelped, but otherwise wasn't concerned much.

"Get her off of me, would ya?" He called out. Clahoun walked over and grabbed her, but she slid away and latched onto her arm instead, biting her.

"Ah, jeez!" She shook her arm and the girl went flying. "These little sugar stains have a bite to them..." she said, examining the wound.

"I don't understand, Leah Lemon Twist was always a nice girl..." King Sour Gum shook his head.

"Yeah, and how about her brother?" A boy, very similar to Leah, had Calhoun by the leg and was stopping her from walking.

"Leo!" Peppermark called. Leo turned his head, but otherwise didn't acknowledge Peppermarks call. Calhoun kicked, and he let go with a bounce.

"We cant get out of here without killing these guys," Vanellope said, but Sour Gum called out "NO!"

"Well then how do you suggest we get past them, your royal sourness? They'll respawn, but we wont, remember?" Calhoun had a kid by the arm, her hair the color of angel cake and her hat vanilla frosting.

Sour Gum sighed, "I...I guess you're right...but still, I cant have you murdering my subjects..." his sentence trailed off, but he yelled when someone grabbed his arm.

Andy Sweetarts, his limp hand lightly grasping his wrist, had latched on. His hair was littered with sweetart candy and his shirt had the large S symbol on it.

"You cant take this world from me," Andy hissed, "I control the world now, the world is me."

Calhoun put the gun to Andy's head and Sour Gum jerked his gaze to her. After a moment, he swallowed and nodded, and she pulled the trigger, Andy disappearing in a burst of pixels and bright colors.

Sour Gum felt sick, but Calhoun reminded him that Andy respawned somewhere in the world, so he shouldn't worry.

"Still, they're getting hurt, while I just stand here with every power to stop it..." he muttered, and Calhoun rushed back to the others, telling them to stop blocking and start punching.

He turned from the group, and standing in front of him was Callie Cottoncandy. He went to scream in surprise, but she put a hand over his mouth. "Sour Gum, listen." It was her voice, but sounded heavier; he knew it was Turbo.

"You want to save your world, don't you?" She said, taking her hand from his mouth. He nodded, glancing behind him. The others were all busy fighting people...his people. He looked back to her.

"Then listen closely. I don't want to hurt you guys, I really don't. All I want is your 'friends' to leave, so they can stop trying to expel me from this place I've made my home." She blinked, and her eyes were back to thier original pink color, "haven't you ever wanted to go home, but just couldn't?" Sour Gum felt a pang of sympathy, then wondered why. It wasn't Callie, it was Turbo.

"Please, get them away from the coding area. I'll go in there, and I'll finish it. Everything will go back to normal, and we can talk about me staying...somehow..." Callie blinked, and her eyes were maroon again.

Sour Gum swallowed, and he stuttered out, "I...I don't..." she grabbed his hand, and said, "please. No one else needs to be hurt."

He thought, but only for a moment before nodding. Turbo told him what to do.

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