That Day (Part 3)

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My eyes started to flutter open and all I saw was this girl I have never seen before. (Winter). I was in a white room and nurses were all around me. What happened?

   As soon as i tried to sit up instant pain shot all through me. I screamed and nurses instantly came running towards me. They shot something in my arm and next thing i knew everything went black once again.


I woke up once again and saw some blonde middle aged woman. I dont even know who she was. There was this tall man with dirty blonde hair and he looked alittle older than the woman.

   They both shot up like a rocket when i  groaned from  pain.

"Hi honey" the woman said with a sad smile.

"How u feeling?" The man said with his arm around the woman.

"Um do i know you all?"

Their faces instanly dropped.

"Sweatheart we're your parents."

" but i dont remember..."

     My "mom started crying into my "dads" chest. I had to find out why im here and what happened...



She instantly climbed over to me.


"I wanna know why im here and what happened and why i cant remember anything....i wanna know"

She took a deep breath and said something that would change how i thought of everything...


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