Hot Air

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Jakes P.O.V
"What the hell were u thinking?! U could've died and I would've been here alone. Cause god damn everyone knows mom is never home and dad is off with other woman and mom is to stupid to see it!! I thought we told each other everything. U could've came to me. Told me what was happening. I would've listened. I-I- I love u. And u should love me to. Because if u did u wouldn't leave."

She just looked a little shocked. But she had to hear it. It was all true. She was my sister. What was I suppose to do without her?

"I was going to come to you but I didn't know how Jake!! Everything was happening so quickly and u were always with your girlfriend Hannah. I wanted to say something but I know I was always going to be in the way. And of course I love u. Don't u ever fucking think there isn't a second that goes by to where I don't. U mean everything to me. More then words could ever explain."

She had tears running down her face and she looked like she was gonna hop out of the hospital bed and run away. That would be the last thing I needed.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't stand the fact that there was going to be a possibility that I would have to go through life without u. I need u."

I started to walk closer to give her a hug and she sat up with her arms out wide so I ran and practically jumped into that hospital bed with her.

"I'm never leaving u Jake. Ever"

And with those words I knew I would never be alone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~~~

Fiona's P.O.V
Jake spent last night with me. It was the best night I could've asked for. They're letting me out of the hospital today. And they say its ok for me to go back to school tomorrow. I'm dreading this. Because after u try commuting suicide in front of the school and having to go back is nothing to be happy about. Especially when your ultimate crush was watching.

Kellin Quinn

Hey guys sorry for the late update. Haven't had a phone for awhile. Decided to make it a fan fiction. Hope u like love you guys!!!!

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