Chapter 1- The Backstory

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I run through the forest using all my energy! I can hear voices yelling at me telling me to stop, but I don't stop I keep running!

I can't stop!
If i do they will get me!
I worry what they would do...

Suddenly 2 shruikens fly past me creating a ice barrier in front of me. I skid a bit before running around it.

I look behind me to see the 4 of them dressed in red, blue, black and Pink.

When I look back I have no time to react and I crash face first into a tree and hit the floor!

"GAH!" I moaned as I hit the floor, I tried to get up as quickly as I could but it was too late!

The people chasing me all in different coloured costumes surrounded me pointing their weapons at me. I slowly started to feel very dizzy, I must have hit my head hard...
When I can't keep my eyes open any longer I pass out in the middle of all the Ninjas.

How did I get here?


It all started with the lost Descendants of Water...

Legend says because there are more elemental masters then just the four main elements (Fire, water earth and air) Powers vary in different ways and more elemental powers can be found. (Like lightning, shadow etc etc )

Therefore they should be trained by sensei's to reach their full potential and become an Elemental Master!

With tracking down these Ninja, Sensei's from the past searched for the decendents of the elemental masters, but no one could find the Elemental Master of Water's Descendants.

The Descendants of Water were never found over the years.

They became known as the lost Descendants of Water.

What does that have to do with me?

I am one of the lost descendants of water...

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