Chapter 4- How to be a ninja

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I was quite stunned at Cole, I don't think he's very happy with me joining them...
After lunch Lloyd came over to Zane and gave him lots of white ninja outfits.
Zane then explained the laundry incident to me making me laugh a bit.

"Good thing it was now and not on our last mission!" Zane says leaving me confused. It turns out I was knocked out for a lot longer then I thought...

While I was out the ninja went to the snakes underground lair to try and stop them. Zane's pink ninja outfit apparently saved him from being caught as he became camouflaged when standing next to a bright pink advertising board!
He was very Lucky!
Because I'm a ninja now I was called out to the deck of Destiny's Bounty to begin training.
I was given a wooden staff for now as I wasn't ready for a real elemental weapon.

Sensei said to me I would have to find a golden weapon and learn how to use it,
The only problem is that I am the only one who will be able to "Sense it" which I have no idea how to do!

Because I apparently have good fighting skills, Sensei tested me right away with training equipment!

Many dummy's came out of no-where holding weapons and coming closer to me!

I dodged attacks knocking dummys to the floor with my bow staff; I fought with them until there was only 6 left. For a finishing move, I knocked 5 down before front flipping over them and pouncing down on the last remaining dummy pinning it to the floor!

Jay , Kai and Zane come out onto the deck just as I am finishing and start clapping as if they were impressed.
"It was nothing...really!" I say feeling my cheeks go red. I'm not THAT good, the other ninja have had proper training on ninja skills;

Compared to me I have just learnt the rules of the slither pit and picked up a few moves from the other snakes...

But still the others seemed really impressed, I wish they wouldn't...

I don't want others thinking I'm really good when i'm not...


WOW she's amazing!
She's as good as us... Maybe better! And to think we have had to wake up really early and train for a long time, and then Lily has had none of that what so ever and fights like a pro!
She is definitely destined to do something big!

After that amazing training session we sat down for dinner. Lily offered to make dinner! We all looked at cole for it was his turn to cook. He grunted and rolled his eyes before speaking.
"Fine go ahead..." He groans.
Lily still goes ahead and starts cooking.
When she finished cooking she layed a complete banquet on the table and everyone's was very impressed even Cole!

We all stuffed our gobs!

Wow her cooking is extreamly nice!
Its as good as her fighting!
She practicly spoilt us!
"Thank you lily, this is amazing!" I say to her smiling.
Lily blushes before replying
"You have done so much for me, I just wanted to give a small thank you meal..." She says smiling.
I yell making everyone cheer, well almost everyone...


I'll admit, she has skills in cooking but she could learn a few things about how to lay the food ect. But when kai decided to make an atoast that's what got me...
None of us got an atoast for becoming a ninja and Lily's had one training session and that's it!

The ninja are falling in love with her! And she's been here for a couple of hours!

There's something that she's not telling us...


After being applauded for making dinner I went out onto the deck and leaned up against the edge of the boat. By now destiny's bounty was slowly floating across the water.

"Enjoying being a ninja so far?" A voice says behind me. I turn and see Zane in his white ninja outfit smiling at me.

"Yeah... It's been crazy!" I reply moving part of my fringe away from my face.
"One minute I'm being crushed, next minute I'm a ninja destined to do some task or something!"

We both laugh as we look out to sea.

Suddenly as I look down I see sonething shining in the water, it was a golden colour...

Zane follows my eyes and then also sees the golden glow in the water before yelling:

"It's a Golden Weapon!"

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