Chapter 8- True potential (part 2)

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A figure reveals its self to me, it was a big robot with a wide range of weapons.
Its targeter locked straight on me and beeped a few times
This was not a friendly robot!

It's guns were out within seconds and were shooting at me! I quickly dodge a couple of shots before using my weapon to create my snow vehicle.
I spin round and drive away from the robot before sliding over to some piled up snow and used it as a ramp. I rev my engine and shoot up the ramp going towards the robot again.

If there's one thing I know for sure, its Ninja never quit!

I fly through the air still dodging all the firing from the robot. While I was in mid air I change my my vehicle back to my Shurikens holding them ready to attack.

I throw them both at the robot, one getting stuck in the gun and the other in its shoulder blade. While he was vulnerable, I tuck in and spin towards him as if doing a forward rolly-polly in the air. However, the robots arm hits me slightly into the air as I roll over him and land on my back in the snow.
I get up quickly as I had an idea, the robot had a control box at the back of its neck!
I stare the robot down, holding my Shurikens ready before using the hand gesture to make the robot cone to me.
The robot leans forward and aims his weapon at me but I continue to stand there waiting for the right moment...

As it targets me ready to shoot I raise my eyebrows and quickly zoom out of the way and begin to climb a tree.
I see the back on the robot (and the control panel) clearly and make my move!
"NINJA GO!" I yell as I back flip off the tree onto the ground and change to my spinjitsu tornado.
I spin round and round and round as snow starts to pile up by the robot making another ramp.
I then run up to the ramp full speed but jump back to avoid the later fire.

This robot was getting on my nerves...

I try again running towards the ramp as it locks onto me.
I leap into the air doing a forward flip over the lasers and over the robots head before grabbing hold of the robots back with one hand and using the other hand to smash the control box with my Shurikens!

This finishes off the robot, it shorts out and starts dancing around crazily before falling flat on its face with me on top of it.
Before I get off the robot...I see a strange symbol...
I go over to the falcon and look closely at it
The same symbol that was on the falcon...

"Its the same symbol..." I say to myself while in deep thoughts.
I turn round to look at a more plump tree then the others.
"Where have your brought me my falcon friend..." I ask the falcon but not expecting a response.
As I reach the plump tree I see the same symbol on the tree as well!

What could this symbol mean?
I look closer to see it was a door and I quickly open it and back up slightly admiring what was around me.

I eventually peep inside to see a metal inside with some stairs that looped round the walls slowly descending.
I walk in and begun to go down. When I reach the bottom, I see what looked like a kitchen and a table full of blueprints. The biggest blueprint there was the falcons blueprint.

I lay the falcon down on the table slowly. "So this is your home my mysterious friend..." I say again to the bird while I examine the blue prints.

I then slowly fiddle with a couple of controls on the bird before it sparked to life and stood up flapping its wings everywhere.
It then flew up and circled before landing on my arm.

"You brought me here...but why?" I say as the bird flies up again and perches on the stairs.
I turn round and look at the other blue prints. I eventually spot a folded up blue print underneath the falcons one. I slowly take it and pull it out from underneath and look at it...

"No!" I yell from such shock from the blueprint "it...can't be!" I yell again dropping the blue print "NO!" I shut my eyes tight one hand on my stomach bending over slightly trying to believe what I had seen
I fall to my knees arms in the air
This can't be true...all my life...I never knew...

I close my eyes tighter and let out one final yell

"NOOOO!" My voice echo's all around the walls as I go back on my hands and knees on the floor.


"Lily? Are you okay?" Kai asks me as he helps me up. I had been laying in the snow for ages, or at least I thought it was ages. I brush some snow out of my hair and sigh
"Yeah...yeah I'm fine...I just kinda collapsed..." I say slightly embarrassed.
"Well you got further then all of us! And we have been training for ever!" Jay exclaims making me laughs slightly.
Cole hits jay round the head
"We haven't been training for years! And at least we knew when to stop for a break!" Cole spits back folded arms.
I look down also folding my arms before kai tries to change the subject "C'mon guys...let's keep focused...where is Zane..."
I point to the direction Zane went "That way..." I say quietly
"Let's go!" Jay yells and starts to run, we all follow and start to run towards the big plump tree Zane was in.


"Zane?" Kai calls out as we all go into the tree.
"Wow would ya look at this place!" Jay calls out obviously not noticing Zane sitting down on the floor head drooped.
When he eventually notice Zane, he acts concerned.
"Zane? What's wrong..." He says as we reach the bottom of the stairs.

We all rush down quickly gathering round him.
"Are you hurt?" I ask
"Are you okay?" Kai asks after me

Zane says nothing and just looks at the blueprints sighing..
He takes the blueprint and looks at it before lowering it and putting a hand on his stomach.

"Hey wh-" I begin speak but he cuts me off as he opens his stomach making all of us yell in shock.
"Ahhh!!!" We all say in unison shocked, confused, and slightly amazed.

"You're... A robot!?" Kai speaks up while me jay and lily still stand there shocked.

"All this time...and I never knew..." Zane replies sadly
Jay then speaks up, "I...I guess this explains why you're always acting so weird...right?..." He looks at us and laughs awkwardly as we all give jay a death stare. Now was not the time for jokes...

"The reason I never had a sense of humor was because my "funny" switch wasn't on" Zane replies as he reaches into his stomach and flicks a switch.

Zane suddenly starts doing a very strange dance and starts singing "Hello my honey" doing loads of twists and turns everywhere!

After he had finished jay burst out laughing leaving the rest of us shocked.

Zane turns his funny switch off and sighs going back onto his hands and knees.

I then try to keep Zane's spirit up
" just makes you...more're... Still the same Zane...just more....err...gears..."
I tried my best but it wasn't the best pep talk in the world...

Kai then speaks up, "It doesn't matter what your made of, you're still our brother..."

"Really?" Zane says looking up
I nod "in fact! I bet it makes you an even better ninja!"

"Yeah! And how cool is it that I can honestly say " my brother is a nindroid!" Jay butts in again in his usual jokey attitude.

"A nindroid?" Zane asks confused

I roll my eyes and out my hand on his shoulder "now c'mon, Pythor is still out there looking for his fang blades! And we need you..."

However he turns away from me looking down.
"You'll have to go on without me..." He sighs, "I just...don't feel right..."

We all look at each other and nod before turning and walking out slowly
I would hate to loose a brother, but we have to stop pythor...

As I look back, not all of us had left...

Lily was still standing there...
As I walk out I hear her start talking

"Zane..." She says quietly.
"I need you..."


The Lost Ninja (A Lego Ninjago Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora