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"You can't just drop a pancake on the floor and try to eat it." You say to Akita, scooping up the pancake off the kitchen floor, throwing it away in the trash. 

"But I spent such a long time making it." She whined, helping you pick off the residue of the pancake batter from the floor.
"You know, at least you tried to help with your own breakfast." You chuckled as you pulled out packaged waffles.
"I guess we could just warm these up." You say, putting two into the toaster. 
“I’m hungry now.” Akita says, throwing her apron on the floor. She tugs on your skirt as you set the timer for the waffles
“Here.” You mumble, handing her a cup of orange juice. 
She groans, walking to the table and taking loud and obnoxious sips of the orange juice.
“Y/N, are you ready?” Bakugou asks as you finish cleaning the kitchen. 
“I have to drop Akita off, and then-” 
“Don’t bother.” 
Bakugou looks down at the phone clutched in his hands and then up back at the front door. 
“Are you waiting for someone?” You ask, the timer for the toaster goes off and you run to grab the waffles. 
“Got someone to watch that brat.” He mutters as you put the waffles in front of Akita.
“Can I have more juice?” Akita whines, her hands hold out the now empty cup.
“Sure.” You say, pouring some in for her.
“Who’s watching her?” You ask, as he looks more and more pissed at his phone.
“That damn shark is, but he’s late.” He mumbles.
“Surprised you don’t have any cracks on your phone.” You mutter as you put a small cardigan on Akita and hand her a cup of orange juice. She smiles at you as she pushes the empty plate towards you.
“Nice.” You say, ruffling her hair. As you place the dishes in the sink you hear the doorbell.
“Finally.” Bakugou mutters, walking to the front door.
“What the hell took you such a long time!” A muffled voice yells.
“Listen man I just lost track of time, I’m sorry!” Another one says. 
Sounds like Kirishima. You thought, turning off the sink and walking to the noise. 
"Hey Y/N!" Kirishima waves, stopping the conversation with Bakugou.
"He's gonna be watching Akita while we go out." Bakugou murmurs, casting a side eye to him.
"Okay well, Akita's class starts in thirty minutes, could you walk her to her school? She already knows the way.” Kirishima nods.
“Uncle Kiri!” Akita yells, jumping into his arms. He grabs her, letting her rest her head on his shoulder.
“Don’t let the brat fall asleep.” Bakugou says, putting his shoes on.
“Don’t call her a brat dude!” 
“That’s what I’ve been saying!” You say.
“Tch, just get your damn shoes on. We don’t have all damn day.” He mumbles, finishing tying his laces.
“Okay damn.” You say, slipping on your shoes as well.
“I’ll see you after school.” You say to Akita, quickly fixing her hair.
“We’ll be alright, right Akita?” 
“Yes uncle Kiri!” Akita exclaims, grabbing onto his bandanna.
“Can I try this?”
“After school.” He chuckles, pulling his bandanna up.
“Well, we’ll be on our way then, be good for uncle Kiri.” You say to Akita as you put your coat on. She nods, a smile tugs on her lips as she waves.
“Bye mama!” You wave back at her as you step outside of the house. You stand outside, waiting for Bakugou. 
“Come on, let's go.” He says, as he quickly walks past you, holding two helmets.
“Why do you have those helmets?” You quicken your pace to walk next to him.
“We’re going on the motorcycle.” He takes his keys out, starting the motorcycle.
“Hell no, let's just take the car.” You whine as he straps his helmet on.
“We’re not taking the car, so hurry up and put this shit on.” He holds the other helmet towards you.
“What if it doesn’t fit?”
“You're a pro hero, I'm sure you can make sure your brains don’t explode. Plus, I'm riding.” You groan as you put the helmet on, and sit behind him on the motorcycle.
“It’s not my fault if you go flying.” Was all you heard before the engine roared. By instinct you grabbed his torso.
“The hell!” He yells over the engine, as your arms tighten around him.
“You’re the one who said not to let myself go flying!” 
You hear a small groan before he starts to ride. You lay your head on his back as you still grip onto him.

He parks in front of an apartment building. 
“Get off.” He says as he stops the motorcycle. You take your helmet off, getting off the cycle.
“Where are we? This better not be one of those things you pulled with your mom.” You mumbled as you walked behind him. 
“It’s not, just hurry up. I don’t wanna be here as long as I have to.” He says as he knocks on an apartment door. You stand behind him, waiting for the person to open the door.
“Hey Kacchan.” You hear. You shift your gaze at the guy standing at the door.
He had black puffy hair with green accents, and freckles that littered his face like paint splatters. 
“Sup nerd, you got my message.” He nods, opening the door wider.
“Yes! About Y/N right!” 
“We can talk about this inside.” He says, waving at you. You follow Bakugou into his apartment. 
“You guys can sit on the couch, let me grab some crackers.” The green haired boy mumbles as he looks through his cabinets. You and Bakugou sit on the couch. You lean to Bakugou. 
“Who’s that?” 
“Someone I knew for a while, I'm sure he can help.”
“What’s his name?”
“I got you guys some tea!” Izuku says, sitting down on the couch facing you. He places the tea and crackers in front of the both of you.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” You grab a cracker, stuffing it into your mouth.
“Well, us two are on a mission, something about missing kids an- hey get that shit out of your mouth.” Bakugou says as he tries grabbing the cracker you bit out of.
“Bro, they're complimentary!” You say, not letting him grab it. You stuff the remaining cracker in your mouth.
“Anyways, I sent you the mission brief.” Izuku nods, grabbing his computer, scrolling through the brief.
“Do you guys think the shadow queen is doing this?”
“Shadow queen, what a plain ass villain name, could’ve done better in my opinion.” You mumble, drinking some of the tea.
“No, this is way out of her normal MO.” Bakugou says, looking at the floor.
“So, what do you guys need my help on?” Izuku asks.
“You used to take notes on everyone's quirks, even villains. Have you stopped that?” He shakes his head.
“Based on the information, could you narrow down the pool of suspects?” Bakugou asks as you watch the two converse.
“I can try, but it’ll take a while.”
“How long?” You ask. 
“A few days at least.”
“As long as it's done before thursday.” Izuku thinks for a moment.
“I’ll try my best.” You and Bakugou nod.
“Well that's all we needed, thank you again.” Bakugou says as he shakes Izukus hand.
“No problem, it was nice meeting you Y/N.” Izuku says.
“Likewise.” You say to him. Bakugou holds the door open for you as you both leave. You get on the motorcycle.
“Throw me the keys.” You say as you strap your helmet on.
“ You wanna ride?” He chuckles as he digs through his pockets, throwing you the keys.
“I can do it.” You snarl at him as he chuckles. You start the motorcycle, grabbing onto the handles. 
“You’re heavy as hell.” You mumble.
“Yeah whatever, you were the one stuffing your face with crackers.” He shoots back. 
“Where are we going?” He asks.
“It’s my turn to take you somewhere random.”

“You could’ve taken me anywhere and you took me to a petting zoo.” Bakugou grumbles as you play with the small baby goat in front of you. 
“And your point is?” You say, petting the goat.
“These animals are gross.” He mumbles as a small bunny jumps into his lap. He visibly cringes as he tries getting the bunny off of him. 
“Why do you gotta be so mean?” You say, grabbing the small bunny and placing him on the grass.
“I’m just saying that your idea of a getaway is pretty crappy.”

“Just admit that you don’t wanna lose your tough guy persona.”
“Says who!”
“Says the guy who basically cuddled me to sleep.”
“You said you wouldn’t talk about that!” You snicker, trying not to laugh as he crosses his arms, turning away from you.
“You whine like a little baby!” You say as you jump onto his back.
“Get off of me.” He says, flailing his arms, trying to get you off of him. As you laugh you fall on top of him. You look into crimson eyes.
“You're uglier up close.” You mumble as he grabs your waist and pushes you off.
“Damn dude it was a joke!” You chuckle, rubbing your head.
“Tell that to my middle finger!” He yells. You smile looking at him.
I don’t like him. Right?
Your thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of your phone.
“Hello? Y/N? I’m at the airport in Japan right now.”

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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