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Kagome quietly made her way down the darkened hallway, making sure to watch where she was walking so she didn’t step on anything to catch anything's attention. She flared her powers to pulse them out every few minutes so she could be sure she was alone.

When her powers gave a pulse of attention to her, she froze seeing something come around the corner. It looked like a demon with the blue skin, but half of its head was sliced off, leaving it with no top of its head to where its eyes should have been. It still had its oversized ears, nose and mouth. It had sharp claws coming from its hands, making it look even more menacing. 

‘What the fuck’ She could see it was clearly not a demon. It didn’t feel anything like one, it felt...human almost. Just darker....more sinister.. She didn’t understand. 

“I can’t see....” The high pitched voice echoed through the hall, making her suck in a deep breath. She could see its overly large ears twitch, as it came closer to her. She held her hands out, pushing her powers into them and throwing some of the powers into a blast. The creature only gave a small grunt as it stumbled but didn’t go down, the smell of burnt flesh reaching her nose. 

The creature was still alive though.

That means it was least somewhat. 

She couldn’t kill it using her powers. Frowning, she staggered a few feet back as the creature swung its arms out, as if trying to claw her. She moved back quickly, not saying a thing. Just as it got clower, she felt arms wrap around her and pull her into a dark room. She heard a low hissed curse and the door silently closed as Kagome looked at the gruff man from earlier. She glanced down when she heard him curse again and saw blood. 

She opened her mouth to say something, when he put his hand over it. Glancing at the door, he stood up letting her go when she nodded to him that she understood. The two moved away from the door and further into the apartment.  The man sat down on the couch grabbing a shirt that was laying around and putting it on his arm. It didn’t seem to be bleeding a lot. Just a small scratch down his arm. 

The two stayed in silence for a while before the man moved to the door to look outside and gave a sigh before he looked at Kagome.

“The place is crawling in those monsters...” The man sighed, sitting down and throwing the semi bloodied shirt to the side. The blood wasn’t flowing anymore, letting her see the long mark on his arm, making a pang of guilt go through her. 

“Do you know what they are?” Kagome asked, she had no clue. She had a feeling he didn’t either, but it didn’t hurt to at least ask. 

The man shook his head, “Not a clue. I met up with another person, she didn't know what was going on either. We got separated when that monster attacked.” He gave a sigh, taking a cigarette out and lighting it with a heavy sigh. 

Something was going on. She wondered if it was just here, or was it everywhere? Did these creatures venture just around here or the whole world? Thoughts of her family flashed through her mind, but quickly pushed them to the back of her mind. She didn’t have time to overthink. She needed to keep focused and survive and not be stuck in memories of the past or what if scenarios in her head.

“That is good to know. It means there are more of us here.” Kagome muttered, frown on her lips as she looked the man over. 

“What's your name? I didn’t get it last time.” Kagome inquired, trying to get a small conversation going. She didn't want to go back out and have the creature still be close by.

The man took a drag from the cigarette and looked at her with his dark gaze, before grunting out, “Sang-Wook.” 

“Mines Kagome...” The man, Sang-Wook raised an eyebrow at her name, but didn’t say anything. 

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