Chapter 10

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I looked at him with a puzzled expression.

'How did your father get back?'

Of course, in order to bring Daymond-sama back, I tried to nudge Grandpa through Konrad.

But he didn't think he'd be able to come back right away.

'I thought it would take a lot of time.'

Father moved slowly and approached Uncle Decons.

Uncle Decons shouted.

"What are you doing on your father's birthday!"

It looked like he had quite a bit of momentum, but I saw everyone taking a step backwards.

My uncle, who was so harsh to me, was like a mouse in front of a cat in front of my father.

Father's lips twitched up.

'Wow, you look so much like my grandfather.'

When he laughed like that, it was almost the same.

"Decons. I would have told you to fix the habit of shouting regardless of the situation."

"... ... ."

"The name line is getting shorter."

"My, what did I do! Don't be negligent in front of your brother or father— Hick!"

Uncle Decons, who had been chattering all the time, took a deep breath as soon as his father put his hand on his shoulder.

The father patted his uncle's cheek with his blood-stained hand.

It was a dry expression, but the momentum was terribly ferocious.

Uncle Decons, who had been shaking his legs, slumped down.

'In terms of individual strength, Uncle Decons is absolutely no match for his father.'

No, no one in this castle could face his father by force.

It's even said that the reason why a grandfather doesn't take care of a bad son is 'because there is no one he can handle'.


It was my grandfather's voice.

Said the grandfather, who fixed his dry eyes on his father.

"Even after being left on the battlefield for a long time, his indulgence does not change."

"A pup can never be more than a dog."

A puppy is a puppy of a dog.

Father is grandfather's cub.

Then Grandpa... ... .


The eyes of father and grandfather met fiercely in the air.

As the atmosphere grew sharp, the Viscount Debussy began to clear the seats.

"It's getting late, so why don't we just cancel the dinner, Duke."

Grandpa answered, still looking at his father.


Immediately after that, the maids approached me in footsteps.

"Lady, would you like to go?"

"Yes... ... ."

I glanced at my father and left the banquet hall.

* * *

next day.

I woke up as soon as the sun came up.

Then he urged the maid to change clothes quickly.

"Yes, miss. Come on, I'll prepare it for you."

The maids, who knew why I was flirting, laughed.

Hilda said as she unbuttoned my pajamas.

"Sir Daymond is still in the castle today, right? Are you happy to come?"

I nodded quietly.

'of course. It's my brother-in-law.'

My grandfather gave me some recognition now, but I don't know what will happen later.

Grandpa has a lot of great grandchildren, so his interest may shift to that.

Then again, I will become a duck egg from the Nakdong River.

'More than anything else, if my grandfather dies... ... .'

What is Nakdonggang Duck Egg? Boiled duck eggs may be chewed by their relatives.

To prepare for that time, my father's help was essential.

'You should show it well.'

Yesterday, I just returned home, so I couldn't even say hello because I had a lot of work to do.

I washed my face and changed clothes well.

"Are you going to Sir Daymond? Then we are ready to take you... ... ."



"I will go alone."

The maids said, "Oh?" while looking at each other. Then he immediately burst into laughter.

It seemed that I was shy to meet my father.

No, it's because Hilda and Greta are dukes.

My father doesn't trust the employees of the duke's castle.

I don't know why, but anyway, if a person from the Duke's Castle was by my side, I wouldn't be able to have a deep conversation.

The maids brought me an umbrella.

"Sir Daymond is mostly in the barracks. You have to go outside the castle, but today it is raining."

I thought the day was warm, but now spring seems to be coming soon.


After putting on my raincoat, I waved to the maids and went out.

'Just because you're a father doesn't mean you'll love me.'

If that were the case, would you have sent me a letter while I was in the 12th tower?

'That too... ... .'

I remembered the contents of <Bing.Heuk.Hand>.

dark night. Erilot was listening to the sound coming from the front of his uncle's room.

"Could Erilot not be the daughter of the deceased Uncle Daymond?"

"okay. Daymond was on the battlefield long before Erilot was born. How can you make a child on the battlefield?"

"But, why did Grandpa accept Erilot?"

"There is a saying that the child was born as an experiment."

"Nonsense! Human creation has never been successful. Above all, even experimentation is strictly forbidden by law!"

"So my father had no choice but to announce that he was Daymond's daughter."

Of course, there was no evidence of that.

But I thought it might be. If I were a created human, I could understand that even though I was a noble, there was no protection.

My father already has no affection for his family, and if I were a fake daughter, he might not even deal with me.

'I have to appeal that I will be of help by showing my smart side.'

I walked briskly.

It was really raining outside.

'I like rainy days.'

I opened my yellow umbrella and walked in the rain.

"Um, uh, um."

He hummed and passed through a puddle of rainwater. Slightly bigger puddles! jumped across

On the way, I found something in the grass. It was a small, yellow-green frog.

"Frog... ... ! (frog......!)"

I ran and ran after the jumping frog.

The little ones were incredibly quick.

I'm just trying to reach out to follow you,


I tripped over a stone and fell.

The frog jumped and ran away in front of my nose.


A voice of an adult was heard all around.

When I lifted my head, I saw men with umbrellas.

Their faces were not visible because of the umbrella, but from the fact that they were wearing gaiters on their legs, they were soldiers.

One of the soldiers came up to me and grabbed me by the side and lifted me up.

"Why is the little girl falling like this?"

At that, the soldiers also came.

It was then that people's faces were clearly visible.


What does it look like so bad?

A person as big as a bear.

A person with a long, straight cut in the eye.

A person whose face has been completely burned, etc.

They are the perfect people to be scared of.

A man as big as a bear frowned.

"What love?"

"You should find out. It's not suitable for blondes."

"I am the general's daughter, Lady Erillot."

The soldiers started chattering between me.

As a group of soldiers came, another group came from behind.

"Are you Miss Erilot?"

"Why does the young lady come to Byeongyeong-el?"

"Did you know it's breakfast time?"

and another bunch.

"Are you saying Miss Erilot is breakfast?"

"What nonsense."

In an instant, he was surrounded by soldiers.

All of them are great impressions.

I hugged the umbrella handle tightly.

* * *

Nature, the duke's office.

The Duke of Astra checked the documents Daymond had presented. It was a report of the current war situation.

As soon as the Duke finished his review, Daymond got up.

"If you check it out, I'll go for it."

"When will you return to your jurisdiction?"

"Don't worry, I'll have your ugly face removed within this week."

"How long are you going to keep talking like that? Don't forget that I am patient with you."

"Thank you for that."

Their eyes met fiercely in the air.

Daymond shook his head and left the room with a document bearing the Duke's seal.

As I walked down the hallway, Daymond's lieutenant, Enzo, who was waiting, followed me.

"How was it?"

Daymond handed him a document bearing the Duke's seal.

Enzo's expression hardened as he looked at the documents.

"Isn't the jurisdiction budget cut drastically! Only 10,000 soldiers have returned, but it's a cut that can't raise the budget!"

"The old man's intentions are obvious. It is going to tame me by blocking the financial lines."

"If you're going to be so negligent, why did you bring the general back?"

As the other brothers slowly loosen their reins, they must be thinking of tightening them properly.

Of course, before that, he tamed himself as a good listener.

'He's a weak old man.'

Enzo frowned.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I don't intend to play easily on the palm of my hand."

Enzo sighed.

The two went straight to the barracks.


"The elite unit has 100 people in the barracks, and the rest of the soldiers are outside the manor. As soon as the access permit is issued, we plan to direct it to the competent jurisdiction."

"Be sure to crack down on the elite squad. If there is any quarrel, the sons of the old man will try to disband my army at this time."


Special attention is paid to the management of elite universities.

The elite colleges were talented people Daymond had gathered from all over the world.

who were slaves.

from a mercenary.


even the savior.

With only 100 elites, they destroyed the borders of the Peligang Kingdom.

They were astonishingly talented.

But there was a problem... ... .

'Because they're from the bottom, it's hard to say how ferocious they are.'

The place they passed would become a swampy field.

The words to call such elite soldiers were 'the beasts of Daymond's jurisdiction'.

'We must return to the jurisdiction.'

You never know when the dogs' leash will be unleashed.

It was the moment I had just entered the barracks.

Daymond stood tall.

"What is that."

Enzo, who was chasing after him, naturally stopped.

"Are you talking about the training ground? Oh, if you don't train for even a day, you get a moth, so get permission from the nature guard to train... ... ."

"What kind of training is that?"

Training is always the same. Is there anything different?

Enzo stepped out of Daymond's back with a puzzled expression and looked at the training ground.

At the training ground, elite soldiers were gathering and chattering.

And between them, a bright yellow chick in a raincoat... ... . No, I saw a child.

The child was trembling at the fear of the ferocious men.

His eyes met the boy who didn't know what to do.

"... ... !"

The child ran over to this side. Then he clung to Daymond's leg.

"Abami! (father!)"

"... ... ."

Daymond's expression rarely hardened. as if confused.

* * *

I cling to my father's leg like a cicada.

'Ah, I was really scared, so I got scolded.'

I was very afraid of these soldiers, who only saw the fine nobles.

Life on the battlefield was less daunting, and the appearance itself was terrifying.

"Is this the general's daughter?"

"Man, it's not 'this', it's a lady."

"Are children this small?"

"I, too, ah, ah, I want to hug you."

"Uh-huh! Mosco, I will crush you with one hand!"

I was really trembling for fear of being crushed.

It was my father who appeared like salvation at that time.

His father's eyes were scary, but it was better than a 3m tall giant with monster scales growing on his skin.


asked the man behind his father.

He was a likable man with ultramarine hair that looked great.

"Ah, this is Enzo, the general's lieutenant."

"No... ... ."

"Yes, it is an honor to meet you. But how did you get here?"

"Hinda. Umbrella and raincoat. Let's go to Abami. it's raining (Let's go to Hilda. He gave me an umbrella and a raincoat. To go to my father. It's raining.)"

I was so surprised that the supporting penalty was stronger than usual.

"Well, that means you came to see the general... ... ?"

I nodded.

The soldiers are wahahahahahahahahaha! laughed

"It's cute, it's cute."

"Isn't that the fun of having children!"

The barracks were moved by how loud the laughter was.

When my father narrowed his eyebrows, that smile was cut off.

"You're relieved that you're back from the battlefield."

At those words, the soldiers with a harsh impression were startled.

Enzo blinked in haste, and the soldiers quickly lined up.

Dad said with his hand on his waist.

"Give me ten minutes. Get ready to go back and go back to the training ground."

As soon as the words were finished, the soldiers became contemplative and ran away.

After that, my father looked at me.

"... ... How long are you going to hold on to?"

Then Enzo laughed awkwardly.

"Isn't the soldiers really that bad? You seem very scared. How about a hug?"

That's a very good idea.

But I couldn't look like an idiot anymore, so I quietly backed away.

"Erirot, walk alone... ... . (Erilot, I can walk alone...)"

Enzo chuckled at how cute I was.

After all, I've been on the bloody battlefield for over 5 years, so a little girl like me would be cute.

I followed my father as he walked.

Gently grabbing my father's pants.

"... ... ."

"... ... ."

'I would look like a fool... ... .'

I know, but my heart was pounding, so it was too much for me to fall completely.

Fortunately, my father just glanced at me and said nothing.

I followed my father and entered the building in the barracks.

'I need something to make up for.'

That was the moment I was walking while thinking about it.

Enzo opened his mouth.

"Would you like a return banquet for the soldiers?"

"These are the ones who have spent five years in the war. You must be looking forward to the return banquet."

"But given the cut budget, it's not easy. How can I have a banquet without money? ... ."

Grandpa cut the budget.

'You're trying to tame your father.'

Usually, when raising a child, the first thing parents do is cut the budget of the jurisdiction.

In a moment, the light bulb in my head flashes! The light came on.

I rocked my father's pants dance.

"Erirot, I have money."

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